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The Red Dress

The Red Dress

De cand a aparut reclama Prigat pentru noua sticla de 0,5 L, o multime de lume ma opreste pe strada si ma intreaba: “De unde e rochia rosieeeee?????”. Ei bine, acum va dau toate detaliile si va explic cum o puteti castiga!


EN: Ever since the Prigat commercial for the 0,5 L bottle is on air, a lot of people have stopped me on the street to ask: “Where is the red dress from?????”. Well, now I can give you all the details and explain how you can win it!

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Rochia este intr-adevar superba si cred ca e perfecta pentru o petrecere importanta a verii, si nu numai! Este o creatie Dana Budeanu, este masura S si o puteti castiga daca va inscrieti in concursul organizat pe pagina oficiala de facebook Prigat Romania, adica aici, printr-un mecanism foarte simplu:

Arata-ne locul tau preferat de #TimeOut in care mergi sa-ti incarci bateriile la final de zi sau saptamana si poti castiga o rochie de party!

Lasa-ne in comentarii o fotografie cu locul tau preferat de #TimeOut, iar noi alegem castigatoarea rochiei prin tragere la sorti. Concursul se incheie pe 4 iulie, ora 00:00, iar castigatoarea va fi anuntata in urma tragerii la sorti pe 5 iulie!

Deja s-au adunat cateva zeci de mesaje in acest concurs, iar unele dintre fotografiile care arata locul favorit de #TimeOut sunt chiar foarte frumoase si inspirationale. Mai ca vrei sa vina mai repede concediul cand le privesti, ca sa te poti bucura de un time out prelungit…

Va las mai jos si cateva imagini de making of de la realizarea videoclipul campaniei care sustine “Atletii de zi cu zi”, adica pe noi toti cei care incercam sa facem cat mai bine o multime de lucruri, in fiecare zi. Succes la concurs!


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EN: The dress is absolutely gorgeous and I think it’s perfect for an important party of the summer, and not just that! It’s created by Dana Budeanu, size S and you can win it if you sign up for the contest organized on the official Facebook page of Prigat Romania, meaning here, through a very simple mechanism:  

Show us your favorite #TimeOut spot, where you go to, so you can recharge your batteries at the end of the day or week, and you can win a party dress! 

Leave a photo as a comment, with your favorite #TimeOut spot, and we will randomly choose the winner. The contest ends on the 4th of July, 00:00 o’clock, and the winner will be announced on the 5th of July!

Quite a few messages have gathered for this contest, and some of the pictures showing their favorite #TimeOut spot are really beautiful and inspirational. You almost wish vacation was a little closer, so you can enjoy an extended time out…

Above you can also see some pictures from the making of the video for the “Every Day Athletes” campaign, meaning all of us who are trying to do a lot and to do it as good as possible, every day. Good luck with the contest!

  • Miha Cap/ 30.06.2016Reply

    Ce pacat ca nu am facebook! :)) Rochia e minunata si iti vine perfect!

  • Iulia's Corner/ 01.07.2016Reply

    Frumoasa rochia si interesanta ideea campaniei Prigat :). Succes tuturor la concurs!

  • monica/ 01.07.2016Reply

    Ma bucur sa te vad la PROTV. Pana cand vei prezenta?

    • Roxy/ 02.07.2016Reply

      Dor de tine si de Adela imi place in emisiune,restul nu se potriveau deloc.Asa ca sper sa ramai tu daca nu revine Adela din toamna ??

  • Vatamanu Briuta/ 02.07.2016Reply

    Dana esti WOW…!
    Ati sta bine asa. Mai als culoarea Rosie.

  • Veronica/ 02.07.2016Reply

    Eu astept concursul cu rochia de la botezul lui Vladut 😉 sau cel putin o copie facuta dupa acea rochie 😀

  • Miu Miu/ 05.07.2016Reply

    Tare frumoasa este rochia, intr-adevar!

    Te pup

  • Lidia/ 08.10.2016Reply

    Frumusetea pe care o emani prin simplitate si bun gust va castiga de fiecare data in fata oricarei garderobe pline cu rochii de lux opulente!
    Felicitari pentru stilul pe care il ai! Il ador! 🙂

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