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Ziua Tatalui Tag

Cu Telefonul (2): Tata si fiul

Stiati ca azi e Ziua Tatalui? Cica din 201o se sarbatoreste in mod oficial aceasta zi in a doua duminica din luna mai. Eu abia anul trecut am aflat de aceasta sarbatoare, si deja era prea tarziu sa ii mai urez tatalui meu “La Multi Ani” si sa-i spun ce simt pentru el. In schimb, azi Radu e sarbatoritul, un tatic tare mandru de baietii lui.


EN: Did you know it’s Father’s Day today? Apparently since 2010 it’s officially celebrated in the second Sunday in May. I only found about this celebration last year, and it was already too late to wish my father “Happy Anniversary” and tell him how I feel about him. On the other hand, today, Radu is being celebrated, a daddy who is very proud of his boys. Read More