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3 Outfits

Imi place ca la inceputul unui sezon sa imi aleg cateva teme – poate sa fie un material sau o culoare – ceva care sa dea directia tuturor cumparaturilor mele din acel sezon. Ca deseori imi iau ochii lucrurile din vitrina, ei bine asta e o alta poveste! Intentia conteaza, nu?


EN: At the beginning of each season, I like to choose a few themes- it can be a fabric or a color- something to set the tone for all my shopping that season. That I often end up buying the stuff in the shop displays, well that’s a completely different story. But it’s the thought that counts, right?

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A venit ziua

Va scriu din Barcelona acum, din frumuselul nostru apartament, inchiriat aici pentru doar cateva nopti. Asa cum ne informeaza Vlad in fiecare dimineata, “A venit ziua.” Cand spune asta, foartea abil, ne deschide ochii cu degetelele, in cazul in care ne faceam vreo speranta ca putem dormi mai mult. Nici o sansa. Cu o mana deschide un ochi de-al meu, iar cu cealalta mana cu un ochi de-al lui, in timp ce ne tipa in urechi: “A venit ziua. Incepe joaca!”. Pai, sa inceapa atunci!


EN: I am writing to you from Barcelona, from our beautiful little apartment, rented for only a few nights. As Vlad informs us every moring, “The day is here.” When he says this, he opens our eyes with his fingers, in case we were hoping to get some more sleep. Not a chance. With one hand he opens one eye of mine, and with his other hand he opens one of his, while he screams in our ears: “The day is here. The fun starts!”. Well, let’s start then!
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Un weekend friguros

Ploaia aceasta pare fara de sfarsit si se anunta temperaturi din ce in ce mai scazute, asa ca eu am inceput (dar stiti deja asta!) sa caut lucruri de innoit garderoba. Plus ca trendul anilor ’90 ma face sa imi doresc o multime de lucruri noi, iar magazinele virtuale sau reale nu ma slabesc cu optiunile lor trendy. Am incercat sa pastrez insa o balanta clara intre lucrurile pe care le am si cele in care cred ca merita sa investesti. Iata lista mea de cumparaturi, deci:


EN: This rain seems endless and more freezing temperatures are coming up, so I have started (but you already know that!) to look for new things for my wardrobe. Plus, this ’90s trend makes me wish for tons of new stuff, and the virtual or real stores aren’t short of trendy options. Anyway, I have tried to keep in balance the things I already own and those I think it’s worth investing in. Here is my shopping list:

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Trei idei trendy

Stiu prea bine ca inca este vara, insa va spuneam acum cateva zile ca mi s-a cam facut pofta de toamna. Si cum deja magazinele sunt pline de pulovere, geci si blugi, m-am gandit ca totusi nu e prea devreme sa incepi pregatirile pentru sezonul rece, chiar daca asta inseamna ca iti comanzi un trench de pe sezlong, in timp ce stai linistita la plaja. In fond, daca iti cumperi lucruri de toamna nu inseamna ca nu te poti bucura din plin de vara, nu?


EN: I know all too well it’s still summer, but a few days ago I was saying that I am already in the mood for fall. And since the stores are already full of sweaters, jackets and jeans, I thought it’s not too early to start preparing for the cold season, even if that means ordering a trench coat while lying in the sun. If you’re buying stuff for autumn, doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy summer, right?

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Azi am sarbatorit onomastica alaturi de Vlad si Radu. Ce bine imi e cu ei….

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