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In fiecare nou sezon echipa Carrefour ma invita sa descopar colectia TEX #modacuchefdeviata si in fiecare an sunt impresionata in mod real de oferta lor! Sezonul acesta nu este vreo exceptie, pentru ca mi-am compus o tinuta cool, fresh, in tendinte, dar cu niste accente destul de “timeless”. Sigur, prin “timeless” nu ma gandesc la piese lady-like, pentru ca exista o multime de piese clasice si de “street wear”.
EN: Each new season, the Carrefour team invites me to discover the TEX collection #modacuchefdeviata and every time I am truly impressed by their offer! This season is no exception, because I have put together a cool fresh, trendy outfit, but with some pretty timeless accents. Of course, by timeless I don’t mean lady-like pieces, because there are plenty of classical pieces for “street wear” too.
Una dintre cele mai mari provocari ale fiecarui sezon este sa reusesc sa ma incadrez cu toate cumparaturile intr-un buget rezonabil, fara sa fac rabat de la trend-uri si de la stil. Super greu, mai ales ca intotdeauna este ceva mai interesant chiar dupa gard, imediat ce am cumparat ceva, gasesc o versiune si mai interesanta! Asa ca m-am decis ca in aceasta vara sa ma simt confortabil inainte de orice! Mai putin focus pe ce e pe val si mai multa concentrare pe ce imi place cu adevarat si in ce ma simt bine.
EN: One of the greatest challenges of each season is managing to do all my shopping within a reasonable budget, while focusing on trends and style. That’s really hard, especially since there’s always something more interesting right around the corner, right after I already bought something, and I find a more interesting version immediately afterwards! So, first and foremost, this summer I decided to feel comfortable! Less focusing on what’s hot right now and more on what I really like and what makes me feel good.
In fiecare sezon imi place sa descopar noile trenduri insa daca e sa fiu complet sincera, piesele de baza din garderoba mea au fost si vor ramane mereu cele simple: o pereche de blugi bine croiti intr-o culoare clasica, un top usor de asortat, o haina care sa adauge sare si piper unei tinute lejere de zi si cateva accesorii.
EN: Each season I like to discover new trends but in all honesty, the basic items in my wardrobe have been and will be the simplest ones: a pair of well tailored jeans in a classic color, an easy to match top, a coat to add some salt and pepper to a casual daytime outfit and some accessories.
Cea mai buna, mai placuta, mai bine compusa, mai potrivita vremii si inceputului de an TINUTA este….PIJAMAUA. Sa nu cumva sa ma contraziceti!
EN: The best, most pleasant, best put together, most suitable for the beginning of the year weather OUTFIT is…THE PAJAMA. Don’t you dare say otherwise!
Multi dintre voi stiti deja ca stilul casei mele este unul nordic si ca predomina albul (mult alb, cat mai mult alb), lemnul natur, griul si cateva accente de negru. Acestea formeaza baza, cadrul general, urmand sa aduc culoare prin diverse obiecte de decoratiuni. Din primul moment m-am gandit ca imi va fi usor sa schimb pernele cu flori, cu cele cu motive de iarna, de exemplu, astfel incat sa ii dau canapelei mele gri un aer nou, proaspat. Asadar, acum a venit momentul perfect sa aduc cateva elemente “de iarna” in decorul casei mele. Iata selectia mea de la TeX, pentru #momentedeviata placute, petrecute acasa in perioada sarbatorilor:
EN: Many of you already know that my house has a Northern style and that white is predominant (a lot of white, as much white as possible), also wood, grey and a few touches of black. These are the base, the general frame, and color is brought through decorations. From the first moment I thought it would be easy to exchange the flower print pillows, with the winter motif ones, for example, so that my grey sofa gets a new, fresh, look. So, now is the perfect time to bring some “winter” decorations into my home. Here is my selection from TeX, for pleasant #momentsoflife, spent at home during the holidays:
Designerii francezi ai marcii TEX au pregatit o noua colecție care a ajuns si in Romania, in magazinele Carrefour. Le-am facut repejor o vizita, pentru a face din nou binecunoscutul experiment: “Poti compune o tinuta cool la un pret super accesibil?” Am doua optiuni pentru voi, in stilul meu: una inspirata de inceputul scolii, alta de intoarcerea la serviciu dupa concediul de vara.
EN: The French designers from TEX have prepared a new collection which is also available in Romania, in Carrefour stores. I paid them a quick visit, to make the well known experiment: “Can you build a cool outfit for a super affordable price?” I have two options for you, in my style: one inspired by the back to school theme, and the other for going back to work after the summer vacation.