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Sigur nu va spun absolut nimic nou, ca suntem cu totii in aceeasi mare nebunie. Totusi, cum sa facem sa castigam putin mai mult timp? Ma gandesc la asta la fiecare inceput de zi, cand incerc sa o organizez cum pot eu mai bine, mai eficient. Fac asta pentru ca timpul cu Vlad este important, pentru ca timpul cu Radu este important, pentru ca timpul nostru ca familie este important, dar si timpul meu, doar pentru mine, conteaza. Ei bine teoria e frumoasa, insa cand vine vorba sa imparti totul la 4… la 6, la 8, in functie de proiecte, de evenimente, de vreo filmare, practica devine tare grea! Cum sa faci?


EN: I’m sure it’s no news that we are all in the same madness. How can we gain a little bit more time? I think about that every morning, when I try to organize everything as good as I can, as efficient as possible. I’m doing this because the time I spend with Vlad is very important, the time I spend with Radu is important, our time as a family is important, but so is my time, just with myself. Well theory is great, but when it comes to dividing everything by 4… or 6, or 8, depending on projects, events, shootings, practice gets very difficult! How do you do it?

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