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Hai la brunch!

Mai e un pic si se incheie anul, asa ca e ultima sansa sa ne mai intalnim si noi ca fetele in Moon Studio, si sa ne facem planuri pentru 2019. Hai la brunch! E si cu ciocolata calda, dar mai putina, caci am 2 invitate speciale: un medic nutriotionist si un medic dermatolog. Va zic eu ca ne va sta ciocolata in gat cand le vom asculta sfaturile…


EN: This year is close to coming to an end, so it’s our last opportunity for a girls gettogether at Moon Studio, to make plans for 2019. Come on over for brunch! We have hot chocolate, but not lots of it, because I have 2 special guests: a Nutritionist and a Dermatologist. We might choke on the chocolate after listening to their advice…

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Brunch cu fetele

Duminica, m-am intalnit cu castigatoarele concursului organizat recent pe blog impreuna cu elmiplant la un brunch la mine acasa, mai exact in Studio Moon. Hai sa va povestesc cum a fost…


EN: On Sunday, I met with the winners of the contest recently organized on the blog together with elmiplant, for a brunch at my house, to be more precise in Moon Studio. Let me tell what it was like…

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Cand ajungeti in Moon Studio

Ne-am intors in Moon Studio, cu mai multe informatii legate de produsele pe care le puteti gasi aici, in afara celor din colectia Moon, desigur. Daca trebuie sa cumparati urgent un cadou inedit, creat de un designer roman, s-ar putea sa-l gasiti chiar aici.


EN: Back to Moon Studio, with more information about the products you can find here, besides those from the Moon collection, of course. If you have to buy a unique gift right away, made by a Romanian designer, you might find it right here.

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Cea mai Lunatica Petrecere: 4 ani Moon

Cu ocazia implinirii a 4 ani de Moon by Dana Rogoz, am facut cea mai Lunatica petrecere de departe! Lucrurile au luat-o complet razvna, de am ajuns la 1 noaptea sa cantam si sa dansam pe N&D, Spice Girls sau 3 Sud Est. Iata cum s-a desfasurat Pijama Party Moon 4.


EN: For Moon by Dana Rogoz’s 4th anniversary, I held the most Lunatic party ever! Things got completely crazy when at 1 am we were singing and dancing to N& D, Spice Girls or 3 Sud Est. Here’s what happened at the 4th Moon Pajama Party.

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Invitatele mele de onoare sunt…

Mai e foarte putin pana la petrecerea Moon 4 ANI, care se va desfasura in Moon Studio. Asa ca azi, cum am ajuns acasa de la aeroport, am facut tragerea la sorti a celor 10 invitate de onoare, inscrise la concursul organizat aici.

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Moon Studio

Bine ati venit in Moon Studio! Sunt extrem de fericita, atat pot sa va spun. Parca nici nu imi vine sa cred ca acest spatiu exista acum cu adevarat si nu mai e doar o proiectie a imaginatiei mele. De cand am cumparat casa in care locuim acum, i-am spus lui Radu: “Primul nivel va fi Casa Moon, sa stii!”. Asadar cand spun ca va invit acum la mine acasa, nu exagerez. Moon Studio este locul in care ne dam de acum intalnire, asa ca luati si notati adresa: Str. Alexandru Donici nr 38.

EN: Welcome to Moon Studio! I’m extremely happy, that’s all I can say. I can hardly this space exists for real and it’s not just in my imagination. Ever since we bought the house we live in now, I told Radu: “The first floor will be the House of Moon, just so you know!”. So when I say that I am inviting it to my house, I am not exaggerating. Moon Studio is the place where we can meet from now on, so write down the address: Alexandru Donici Str, No. 38.

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