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Alerg catre noi destinatii

Rad de Vlad ca el cand vrea sa se deplaseze din punctul X in punctul Y nu merge, ci fuge. E prea entuziasmat de ce urmeaza sa descopere si vrea sa ajunga cat mai repede la destinatie. Cam asa sunt si eu acum. Alerg cu entuziasm catre noi “destinatii”, fie ca vorbim de un proiect de teatru nou pe care abia astept sa il incep, de un eveniment de fashion din tara ori un city break.


EN: I am laughing when Vlad is trying to get from X to Y but he isn’t walking, he’s running. He’s too excited about what he is about to discover and wants to get to his destination as fast as possible. That’s what I am like now. I am running enthusiastically towards new “destinations”, whether it’s a new theatre project which I can hardly wait to begin, a fashion event in the country or a city break.
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Moon Studio

Bine ati venit in Moon Studio! Sunt extrem de fericita, atat pot sa va spun. Parca nici nu imi vine sa cred ca acest spatiu exista acum cu adevarat si nu mai e doar o proiectie a imaginatiei mele. De cand am cumparat casa in care locuim acum, i-am spus lui Radu: “Primul nivel va fi Casa Moon, sa stii!”. Asadar cand spun ca va invit acum la mine acasa, nu exagerez. Moon Studio este locul in care ne dam de acum intalnire, asa ca luati si notati adresa: Str. Alexandru Donici nr 38.

EN: Welcome to Moon Studio! I’m extremely happy, that’s all I can say. I can hardly this space exists for real and it’s not just in my imagination. Ever since we bought the house we live in now, I told Radu: “The first floor will be the House of Moon, just so you know!”. So when I say that I am inviting it to my house, I am not exaggerating. Moon Studio is the place where we can meet from now on, so write down the address: Alexandru Donici Str, No. 38.

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Rulota Moon la Palatul Brukenthal Avrig

E duminica, ascult muzica frantuzeasca mai veche (care ma emotioneaza de fiecare data in mod inexplicabil) si imi vine sa ma teleportez in aceste imagini…


EN: It’s Sunday, I’m listening to old French music (which inexplicably gets to me every time) and I feel like turning back time to these photographs…

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O noua colectie de Fete Detasabile

O noua serie de fete detasabile, tocmai bune pentru noul sezon de toamna. Sincer va spun ca imi plac atat de mult, incat mi-e imposibil sa fac un top. Abia astept sa le scot la plimbare si sa va recomand tinute in care sunt bine puse in valoare. Deci, sa incepem prezentarile:


EN: A new line of detachable covers, perfect for the new fall season. I honestly have to say I like them so much, it’s impossible for me to rank them. I can hardly wait to take them out for a walk and I recommend outfits which highlight them as much as possible. So, let the introductions begin:

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O mare surpriza a vietii

Uneori viata iti ofera mai mult decat ti-ai fi putut imagina vreodata, chiar si in cele mai frumoase vise, chiar si in cele mai curajoase proiectii, pe care ti-e oricum mult prea rusine sa le verbalizezi. Asa se intampla ca brandul Moon by Dana Rogoz devine international si ca un magazin ce imi poarta numele, ce gazduieste produsele create de mine, va exista acum in… Bruxelles!


EN: Sometimes life gives you more than you could ever imagine, even in the most beautiful dreams, even in the bravest projections, which you are too ashamed to verbalize anyway. So it happens that the Moon by Dana Rogoz goes international and that a shop under my name, which hosts products designed by me, will exist in…Brussels!

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Colectia IceCream

Sunt topita dupa noua fata detasabila a tricoului Moon: Fata Inghetata! Cum bine stiti, Moon TSHIRT vine cu un kit format din 12 forme negre din arici (2 semicercuri, 4 zambete, 4 linii drepte, 2 cercuri mici), din care puteti crea incredibil de multe fete diferite ale tricoului. In fiecare zi, trebuie doar sa va puneti creativitatea la incercare, pentru a purta tricoul cu o fata complet noua. Dar pentru si mai multa diverisitate, incepe seria de Fete Detasabile pentru Moon TSHIRT. Iar prima fata detasabila conceputa special pentru tricoul Moon este o delicioasa inghetata.


EN: I am melting over the new detachable cover for the Moon t-shirt: Ice Cream! As you already know, Moon TSHIRT comes with a 12 piece Velcro kit (2 semicircles, 4 smileys, 4 lines, 2 small circles), out of which you can create unbelievably many different covers for the t-shirt. Every day, all you have to do is test your creativity, so you can wear the t-shirt with a completely new face. But, for even more diversity, the detachable covers series for the Moon TSHIRT begins. And the first detachable cover created especially for the Moon t-shirt is a delicious ice cream.

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Flori de Florii

In primul rand, va urez La Multi Ani de Florii. In al doilea rand, va anunt ca incepand de azi, trei fete detasabile cu flori va asteapta pe magazinul online si la Pop Up Store Moon din AFI Cotroceni.


EN: First of all, happy Palm Sunday! Second, I would like to announce that starting today, three detachable covers with flowers are available on the online shop and at the Pop Up Store Moon in AFI Cotroceni. Read More