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Moon by Dana Rogoz Tag

Hooded Moon

Cu foarte mare bucurie va prezint Hooded Moon, primele hanorace cu fete detasabile de pe Pamanat.

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V for Vintage, editia #19

Imi aduc aminte ca acum mult timp, cand au inceput sa fie organizate targuri vintage in Bucuresti, era o efervescenta si o dorinta incredibila a publicului de a gasi lucruri unice, diferite fata de ale oricarui altcuiva. O dorinta de a fi complet altfel fata de restul, o dorinta care la vremea respectiva a fost indeplinita de o selectie unica de piese la astfel de targuri, dintre care V for Vintage era de departe cel mai bine organizat.


EN: I remember that a while ago, when vintage fairs first started to be organized in Bucharest, there was a thrill and an incredible desire of the public to find unique pieces, different than those of anyone else. A desire to be completely different from the rest, a desire which at that time was fulfilled by a unique selection of items from such fairs, among which V for Vintage was by far the best organized.

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Flowers on the Moon

Weekend-ul acesta, Rulota Moon va asteapta la Summer Well! Yuhuuu! Abia astept!


EN: This weekend, the Moon Trailer is expecting you at Summer Well! Yuhuuu! I can hardly wait!

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NEW MOON: Flowers & Newspaper

Azi va prezint doua genti cu fete detasabile noi: Moon Flowers si Moon Newspaper. Spre deosebire de modelul clasic, acestea includ un lant detasabil cu maner de piele, astfel incat sa poata fi purtate cat mai mult timp si in cat mai multe combinatii. LE ADOR!


EN: Today I am presenting to you two new clutches with detachable covers: Moon Flowers and Moon Newspaper. As opposed to the classic model, these include a detachable chain with leather handle, so it can be worn for as long and in as many combinations as possible. I LOVE THEM!

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Gata! Ne pregatim de vacanta. Maine avem primul zbor ….
EN: We’re ready for our vacation. Our first flight is tomorrow…

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Fețe Detașabile Moon – Summer Collection

Ca sa onoram cum se cuvine aceasta lansare, va invit si la CONCURS pentru un plic Moon in culoarea de baza favorita plus 2 fete detasabile la alegere, din noua colectie de vara.


EN: To properly honor this launch, I invite you to take part in a CONTEST for a Moon clutch in your favorite basic color plus 2 detachable covers of your choice, from the new summer collection.

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