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Terasa mea – loc de sarbatoare

Hristos a Inviat! Sper ca ati petrecut frumos de Paste si ca mai pastrati inca in voi emotia acestei sarbatori. Pentru ca anul acesta am invitat familia si prietenii apropiati pe terasa casei noastre pentru a sarbatori impreuna, am zis ca e momentul sa va arat cum arata renovata, cu florile plantate, cu pergola ridicata la locul potrivit si cu o canapea inedita ce te indeamna la citit sau lenevit.


EN: Happy Easter! I hope you had wonderful holidays and that you are still experiencing the emotion of these past days. Because this year we have invited family and close friends on our terrace to celebrate together, I thought it’s a good time to show you what it looks like renovated, with planted flowers, with the pergola in the right spot and an unique couch which invites you to read or relax.

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Mansarda: Inainte/Dupa

V-am promis poze cu mansarda inainte de renovare, asa ca am scotocit prin folderele mai vechi si am gasit cateva. Avem o mare satisfactie sa stim ca am salvat o casa veche si ca, in loc sa o darmam si sa construim una noua (ceea ce cred ca ar fi fost mai ieftin), am reconsolidat-o si renovat-o integral. Acum este casa perfecta pentru noi!

EN: I promised you pictures of our attic before the renovation, so I searched through old folders and found some. We have a huge satisfaction knowing that we saved an old house and, instead of tearing it down and building a new (which might have been cheaper), we have reconsolidated and renovated it entirely. Now it is the perfect home for us!

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Mansarda din Lisabona

Aceasta este mansarda in care am stat o noapte doar, in Lisabona, la intoarcerea spre tara. E atat de draguta, incat sunt sigura ca va va da idei pentru amenajarea casei voastre.

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