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Valentine’s Day in High School

Nu suntem toti pe aici din aceeasi generatie, dar cert e ca pe vremea liceului meu abia se lansase trendul “Sfantul Valentin” si era cea mai cool chestie posibila. Inca nici nu aparuse comparatia cu Dragobetele! Adica citeai despre sarbatoarea asta in manualul de engleza si ziceai “mamaaa, ce romantiiiiiccc”! Sigur, aveam si un pic alta varsta…


EN: Not everyone here is the same age, but I’m positive that while I was in high school, the Valentine’s Day trend just started and it was the coolest thing possible. Comparing it to Dragobete wasn’t a thing yet! So you read about this holiday in the English manual and thought to yourself: “Wooow, that’s so romantic!” Of course, we are all a different age back then. 

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