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Un tort pentru orice ocazie

Cele mai bune torturi se mananca alaturi de persoanele dragi, iar in ultima vreme eu am inceput sa cochetez foarte mult cu ideea de torturi personalizate. La fiecare aniversare sau eveniment mi-a placut sa regasesc tematica nu doar in dress code sau in decorul petrecerii, ci si in torturile sau prajiturile servite.


EN: The best cakes are those shared with loved ones, and lately I have become very fond of the idea of personalized cakes. At each anniversary or special event, I liked finding the theme not only in the dress code or in the decorations, but also in the cake and cookies served.

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Un secret dulce

Mantra mea? Nicio zi fara dulce! Cand i-am spus asta antrenorului meu personal a ras mult si apoi mi-a spus ca e ok, ca am voie dulce, insa cu bun-simt si eventual in prima parte a zilei. Nu stiu cat de bine ma descurc sa respect chestia sta, mai ales ca acum am un nou motiv sa “incalc” regulile….


EN: My mantra? Not a day should go by without sweets. When I told this to my personal trainer he laughed a lot and then said it’s ok, that I’m allowed to eat sweets, but in a normal amount and possibly in the first part of the day. I don’t know how good I am at respecting this, especially now that I have a new reason to break the rules…

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