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Feeric Fashion Week – First Look

Anul acesta am participat pentru prima oara in viata mea la Feeric Fashion Week, aflat deja la a 9-a editie, si am fost cu adevarat impresionata. Pana si Radu, care stiti bine ca nu e vreun Fashion Addict, a concluzionat ca e o “saptamana a modei” care ar trebui si mai intens promovata atat in tara, cat si in strainatate, pentru ca merita!


EN: This year, for the first time in my life, I have attended Feeric Fashion Week, already on its’ ninth edition, and I was truly impressed. Even Radu, who you know all too well isn’t a Fashion Addict, concluded that it is a “week of fashion”, which should be promoted more intensely, both in the country and abroad, because it deserves it! 

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