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La prima ora

Cum te simti cand te trezesti dimineata, te uiti pe fereastra si vezi cum prima zapada a acoperit copacii, masinile, strada…? Si apoi fugi in bucatarie si, inainte sa se scoale copilul si sa inceapa agitatia, savurezi prima cafea a zilei. Cum te simti in momentul acela, la prima cafea a zilei, de la prima zapada a anului?


EN: How does it make you feel when you get up in the morning, look out the window and see how the first snow has covered the trees, cars, street…? And then you run to the kitchen and, before the child wakes up and the hustle begins, you savor the first cup of coffee of the day. How do you feel in that moment, on your first cup of coffee of the day, for the first snow of the year?

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Startul zilei

Nu inteleg cum pe unii cafeaua ii agita. Pe mine, in primul si in primul rand, cafeaua ma calmeaza, ma face sa vad cu alti ochi programul incarcat al zilei, ba chiar si furiile copilului. Asadar, lasa-ma sa imi beau latte-ul de dimineata si promit sa fiu OK, sa fiu rabdatoare, creativa, inspirata, jucausa… Ca doar dupa ce mi-am baut cafeaua mi-a venit ideea sa montez fix in centrul livingului un leagan. Abia astept sa se intoarca Vlad azi de la gradinita, sa vad cum va reactiona. Cred ca ne vom bate pe el…

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Sambata si duminica pe Pluto

Poveste adevarata. Ieri dimineață am luat micul dejun in familie, acasa. Doar in weekend apucăm să ne întindem la masa, sa gustam din toate si sa stam la povesti. Asa ca ieri am discutat cu Vlad despre ce inseamna “o idee genială”.


EN: True story. Yesterday morning we had breakfast together, at home. It’s only during weekends that we get to spend time at the table together, chatting and tasting a bit of everything on the plates. So yesterday we had a talk with Vlad about what “a brilliant idea” means.

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Si diminetile voastre sunt agitate?

Diminetile mele sunt agitate. Ne trezim cu totii, apoi incepe nebunia: ii pregatesc hainutele lui Vlad, in timp ce Radu incearca  sa ii explice cum sta treaba cu spalatul pe dinti. Apoi ii pregatesc ghiozdanul, in timp ce Radu pune repede cateva lucruri de mic dejun pe masa. Daca apuc sa fac si o clatita sau o omleta, inseamna ca suntem perfect in grafic cu timpul pana in acel moment. Radu trage un tricou pe el, eu pun un hanorac pe mine, cainii latra ca vor afara, in timp ce alergam sa gasim masinuta pe care isi doreste Vald sa o ia cu el la gradi… Este o nebunie completa in casa noastra de la 7:30 pana la 9. Si cred ca fix la fel se intampla in toate casele cu copii mici. De fapt, sper ca asa se intampla. Adica, chiar va rog din suflet sa imi spuneti ca si la voi e dementa dimineata, ca sa nu ma deprim. Si totul e contra-cronometru! Tot timpul suntem in intarziere, tot timpul trebuie sa ne grabim, iar daca totusi reusim sa il ducem la ora care trebuie la destinatie, simt ca meritam un premiu! Si premiul asta sa fie macar o cafea bauta in tihna.

EN: My mornings are hectic. We all wake up, then they crazy starts: I get Vlad’s clothes ready, while Radu tries to explain to him about washing his teeth. Then I get his backpack ready, while Radu sets the breakfast table. If I manage to prepare a pancake or an omelet, that means we are right on schedule. Radu puts on a t-shirt, I put a hoodie on, the dogs are barking because they want to be let out, while we are running around trying to find the little toy car Vlad wants to take to kindergarten with him… It’s a total madness in our home between 7:30 and 9. And I think it’s just the same in every house with small children. Actually, I hope it’s the same. So, please tell me it’s the same with you every morning, so I don’t get depressed. And everything is against the clock! We are always running late, we always have to rush, and if we do manage to get him on time to his destination, I feel like we deserve an award! And that award should be at least having a good coffee.

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