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Cine poarta Brosa Moon…

Hey! Tocmai ce am ales castigatoarele prin random la postarea concurs anterioara, asa ca intrati aici sa verificati daca nu sunteti pe lista celor 5 Lunatece norocoase. In plus, chiar in acest moment se lucreaza zeci de alte brose personalizate, semn ca acest produs a fost extrem de bine primit de catre voi. E clar, acum trebuie sa imi fac una cu “happy”, cu “bucurie” sau cu “reusita”. Puteti comanda in continuare produsele dorite pe, profitand si de ultimele 2 zile de reduceri aniversare. Iar in weekend ne vedem la Targul Dichisar! Voi veni cu o selectie de Brose Moon, din care sa o alegeti pe cea care va deveni martisorul acestui an. Moon este oglinda ta.


EN: Hey! I just picked out the winners for the previous contest post, so please check here if you are on the list of the 5 lucky Lunatics. Plus, right as we speak, other tens of personalized brooches are being worked on, which is a sign that this product has been well received by you. It’s clear, now I have to make one for me with “happy”, “joy” or “success”. You can still order your favorite items on, also taking advantage of the last 2 days of anniversary sales. And this weekend I’ll see you at Dichisar! I will be there with a selection of Moon brooches, from which you can choose the one that will become your “martisor” this year. Moon is your mirror.