Final de Thailanda 2017
Unii oameni care imi urmaresc mai rar activitatea vor trage probabil concluzia ca eu de vreo jumatate de an sunt prin vacanta in Asia (si nu numai). De fapt, pur si simplu am mai selectat poze pe care vreau sa vi le arat, chiar daca vacanta din imagini s-a petrecut in luna aprilie. Asadar, dupa cum va dati seama si din titlu, va invit sa vedeti ultimele imagini din vacanta in Thailanda de anul acesta:
EN: People who only follow my activity on the blog on random occasions will probably come to the conclusion that I have been vacationing through Asia (and not only) for the past 6 months. Actually, I just selected some pictures I want to show you, even though this vacation took place in April. So, as you could tell from the title, I invite you to see the last images from our vacation in Thailand this year: