Ploaia aceasta pare fara de sfarsit si se anunta temperaturi din ce in ce mai scazute, asa ca eu am inceput (dar stiti deja asta!) sa caut lucruri de innoit garderoba. Plus ca trendul anilor ’90 ma face sa imi doresc o multime de lucruri noi, iar magazinele virtuale sau reale nu ma slabesc cu optiunile lor trendy. Am incercat sa pastrez insa o balanta clara intre lucrurile pe care le am si cele in care cred ca merita sa investesti. Iata lista mea de cumparaturi, deci:
EN: This rain seems endless and more freezing temperatures are coming up, so I have started (but you already know that!) to look for new things for my wardrobe. Plus, this ’90s trend makes me wish for tons of new stuff, and the virtual or real stores aren’t short of trendy options. Anyway, I have tried to keep in balance the things I already own and those I think it’s worth investing in. Here is my shopping list:
De cand am lansat noile fete detasabile Moon ma tot gandesc la felurile in care am sa le port. Iată trei ținute inspirate complet diferite inspirate de noua colecție:
EN: Ever since I have launched the new detachable Moon covers, I keep thinking about how I could wear them. Here are three completely different outfits, inspired by the new collection:
De multe ori cand ma gandesc la vara, automat ma inchipui la plaja- fie undeva la marginea unei piscine, fie la mare. Si mereu cand intentionez sa imi cumpar un costum de baie ma gandesc la cat de practic este pentru plaja imaginata: o sa ma bronzez cu cat mai putine urme? O sa fie practic pentru inot? O sa arate cool?
EN: Almost every time I think of summer, I automatically picture myself somewhere by a pool, or at the sea. And when I plan on buying a bathing suit I think about how practical it is for the imagined beach: will I get a tan with as little lines as possible? Will it be useful for swimming? Will it look cool?