Cate cadouri incap pe o lista?
Un nou sezon al cadourilor, o noua provocare, o noua nebunie! Astazi am fost cu Radu in mall sa cautam o prima parte din cadourile lui Mos Craciun, ca asa se ambitioneaza el sa lase cadourile tuturor prin magazine, cu etichete de pret pe ele! Si cautand noi dulciuri si masinute, ne-am dat seama amandoi in fix acelasi moment, cu un mic licar de panica in ochi, ca situatia este foarte grava pentru ca nu avem un singur cadou de luat…..avem probabil vreo 31987 de cadouri de gasit, dupa chipul si marimea fiecarui prieten, frate, cumnata, mama si tot asa. Banuiesc ca si voi stati tot cam la fel, asa ca iata, de data aceasta am si o posibila solutie care sper sa va mai dezlege cateva mistere, dar si un Concurs!
EN: A new season for gifts, a new challenge, again a crazy time! Today, Radu and I went to the mall looking for part of Santa’s gifts, because that’s what he does: he leaves everyone’s gifts in the stores, with price tags on them! And while looking for candy and toys, we both realized at the same tome, with a shimmer of panic in our eyes, that the situation is very serious, because we don’t have one single gift to buy…we have about 31987 gifts to find, according to the look and size of each friend, brother, sister-in-law, mother and so on. I guess it’s about the same with you, so this time I might have a possible solution to solve a few mysteries, but also a Contest!