Piesele clasice de street wear
In fiecare nou sezon echipa Carrefour ma invita sa descopar colectia TEX #modacuchefdeviata si in fiecare an sunt impresionata in mod real de oferta lor! Sezonul acesta nu este vreo exceptie, pentru ca mi-am compus o tinuta cool, fresh, in tendinte, dar cu niste accente destul de “timeless”. Sigur, prin “timeless” nu ma gandesc la piese lady-like, pentru ca exista o multime de piese clasice si de “street wear”.
EN: Each new season, the Carrefour team invites me to discover the TEX collection #modacuchefdeviata and every time I am truly impressed by their offer! This season is no exception, because I have put together a cool fresh, trendy outfit, but with some pretty timeless accents. Of course, by timeless I don’t mean lady-like pieces, because there are plenty of classical pieces for “street wear” too.