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ELF(a) si-a inceput misiunea!

Cred ca tocmai am descoperit rolul care mi se potriveste cel mai bine: cel de Elf. Chiar si Radu, in calitate de regizor, mi-a spus ca am fata de Elf. Era un compliment, fireste. Si uite asa imbracata, m-am gandit sa le fac o surpriza copiilor sustinuti de Asociatia Touched Romania. Am simtit o bucurie in tot corpul, din talpi si pana in varful urechilor ascutite, cand le-am vazut mutrisoarele emotionate si vesele, desfacand ditamai cadoul. Asta e spiritul Craciunului.


EN: I think I just found the part that suits me best: that of an Elf. Even Radu, as a director, told me I have the face of an Elf. It was a compliment, of course. And so I dressed for the part and decided to surprise the children supported by the Touched Romania Association. I felt joy in my whole body, from my feet to the tips of my pointed ears, when I saw their excited and happy little faces, while wrapping up huge presents. That’s the Christmas spirit.

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