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Aniversare blog: 8 ani

Astazi blogul meu implineste 8 ani. Va multumesc celor care l-ati vizitat in aceasta perioada, in care am trait si v-am impartasit cele mai intense momente din viata mea. Aici v-am anuntat ca ma marit si ca sunt insarcinata. Aici am publicat primele imagini cu Vlad, aici am scris primele ganduri ca mama. Aici v-am vorbit despre unele dintre cele mai vechi si intense amintiri ale mele, despre familia mea, despre cei pe care ii am aproape, dar si despre cei pe care i-am pierdut in acesti 8 ani. Deseori revin la articole mai vechi doar ca sa imi improspatez anumite amintiri, senzatii. Blogul acesta e jurnalul meu din ultimii 8 ani, cu 2200 articole implinite azi, peste 20.000 de fotografii si peste 100.000 de comentarii primite.


EN: My blog turns 8 today. Thank you all for visiting it during this time, in which I have lived and shared with you the most intense moments of my life. It’s here that I told you I was going to get married and that I am pregnant. It’s also here that I posted the first pictures of Vlad, where I wrote down my first thoughts as a mother. Here I have told you about some of the oldest and intense pleasures I have, about those that are near to me, but also about those I have lost in these 8 years. I often come back to older posts only to refresh some memories, sensations. This blog has been my diary for the past 8 years, with exactly 2,200 posts today, over 20,000 pictures and over 100,000 comments received. Read More

Spune DA lumii si pleci cu gasca in vacanta


Se poate sa iti doresti ceva mai mult decat sa calatoresti oriunde pui degetul pe harta? DA! Sa calatoresti oriunde pui degetul pe harta, dar impreuna cu gasca de prieteni sau familia ta! Hai sa va spun cum, inainte sa imi anunt familia si prietenii sa se inscrie si ei…


EN: Is there anything more you could wish than travel the world wherever you wish to? YES, there is! To travel the world to wherever you put your finger on the map, but with you group of friends or family! Let me tell you how, before I get my family and friends to sign up…

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Ce n-a vazut Parisul

Am ajuns prima oara la Paris impreuna cu grupul Minisong, cand aveam 7 ani proaspat impliniti. Daca gresesc varsta, sa ma corecteze mama, ca numai ea mai stie astfel de detalii.

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