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Premianta va multumeste

Aseara, la Elle Style Awards 2016, am castigat premiul Best Fashion Blogger. Va multumesc foarte mult pentru aceasta surpriza frumoasa, caci voturile voastre sunt cele care au validat munca mea, continutul acestui blog si stilul meu. Anul 2016 se pare ca a fost anul premiilor ca blogger pentru mine. Sper sa nu va dezamagesc si sa ne regasim aici si peste ani de zile. Si uite ca blogul merge mai departe cu o noua sedinta foto, o noua tinuta, o noua poveste, asa cum v-am obisnuit.


EN: Last night, at the Elle Style Awards 2016, I won the Best Fashion Blogger award. Thank you so much for this wonderful surprise, because your votes validate my work, the content of this blog and my style. It looks like 2016 has been the blogger awards year for me. I hope I won’t disappoint you and we’ll see each other here in the years to come. And my blog goes on with a new photo shoot, a new outfit, a new story, as you are already used to.

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A venit ziua

Va scriu din Barcelona acum, din frumuselul nostru apartament, inchiriat aici pentru doar cateva nopti. Asa cum ne informeaza Vlad in fiecare dimineata, “A venit ziua.” Cand spune asta, foartea abil, ne deschide ochii cu degetelele, in cazul in care ne faceam vreo speranta ca putem dormi mai mult. Nici o sansa. Cu o mana deschide un ochi de-al meu, iar cu cealalta mana cu un ochi de-al lui, in timp ce ne tipa in urechi: “A venit ziua. Incepe joaca!”. Pai, sa inceapa atunci!


EN: I am writing to you from Barcelona, from our beautiful little apartment, rented for only a few nights. As Vlad informs us every moring, “The day is here.” When he says this, he opens our eyes with his fingers, in case we were hoping to get some more sleep. Not a chance. With one hand he opens one eye of mine, and with his other hand he opens one of his, while he screams in our ears: “The day is here. The fun starts!”. Well, let’s start then!
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