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Girl on the Moon Project (ep. 3) – 5 Tips

Mai intai ati putut urmari portretul video al Laurei Gardu, de profesie pilot. Daca aveti frica de avion si nu ati urmarit inca interviul, va sfatuiesc sa o faceti. Inteligenta, calmul, modestia, felul ei de a povesti, va vor da curaj. Desi nu am apucat sa ne cunoastem decat prin intermediul acest proiect, dar si o data in calitate de pasager – pilot (cand i-am facut si invitatia, de altfel, sa fie eroina ep 3), am ramas cu convingerea ca Laura Gardu este un om deosebit. Cititi mai jos cele 5 sfaturi ale ei si o sa imi dati dreptate. Dar mai intai de toate, a sosit momentul sa vedeti exercitiul de stil pe care l-am facut impreuna.


EN: First you could watch the video portrait of Laura Gardu, pilot. If you have a fear of flight and didn’t get a chance to see the interview yet, I advise you to do it. Her intelligence, charm, modesty, storytelling abilities will give you courage. Although we didn’t get to know each other before this project, but also once as passenger (when I also invited her to be the hero of episode 3), I was convinced that Laura Gardu is a special person. Please read below her 5 advice and you’ll be convinced yourselves. But first of all, it’s time to see the style exercise which we put together. 

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Beauty: 4 Looks

Din ziua in care m-am tuns scurt mi-am propus sa realizez pentru voi o sedinta foto de beauty, ca sa vedem împreună cat de multe opțiuni mai exista odată cu drastica schimbare. Asa ca am cerut ajutorul unei echipe mi-nu-na-te (Make-up: Alexandra Craescu, Hair: Adonis Enache, Styling: Cătălin Valean, Photo: Ștefan Dani), iar cele 4 look-uri punctează cele mai noi tendințe în materie de hair & make-up:


EN: Ever since the day I cut my hair short, I have wanted to do a beauty photo shooting for you, so we can see together just how many options there are with the drastic change. So I asked for the help of a won-der-ful team (Make-up: Alexandra Craescu, Hair: Adonis Enache, Styling: Cătălin Valean, Photo: Ștefan Dani), and the 4 looks mark the newest trends for hair& makeup):

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Girl on the Moon Project (ep. 1) – 5 Tips

Vreau sa va multumesc pentru entuziasmul cu care ati primit noul proiect al blogului. Zilele trecute ati urmarit portretul video al Ralucai Zlotea – Medic specialist Anestezie si Terapie Intensiva – iar acum va invit sa urmariti continuarea primului episod Girl on the Moon Project: 5 Tips.

EN: I would like to thank you for the enthusiasm you have received the new project of the blog with. A few days ago you have watched the video portrait of Raluca Zlotea– doctor specialized in Anesthesiology and ICU – and now I invite you to see the second part of the first episode of the Girl on the Moon Project: 5 Tips. 

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