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Ritualul de seara

Cred ca fiecare femeie are propriul sau ritual de infrumusetare. Pentru unele sunt mastile cu ou si malai transmise de la mama la fiica, pentru altele mastile cu argila verde vazute prin filme, altele isi consulta medicul dermatolog si inca si mai multe merg pe mana altor femei, cautand referinte si recomandari. Insa oricum am fi si oriunde am merge sa culegem sfaturi si mici ponturi, ideea de baza este ca ne place sa avem grija de noi.


EN: I think every woman has her own beauty ritual. For some there are face masks with egg and cornstarch passed on from mother to daughter, for others there are masks with green clay as seen in movies, others talk to their dermatologist and even more talk to other women, looking for references and recommendations. But no matter where we go to for advice and tips, the main idea is that we like taking care of ourselves.

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