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Ritualul de seara

Ritualul de seara

Cred ca fiecare femeie are propriul sau ritual de infrumusetare. Pentru unele sunt mastile cu ou si malai transmise de la mama la fiica, pentru altele mastile cu argila verde vazute prin filme, altele isi consulta medicul dermatolog si inca si mai multe merg pe mana altor femei, cautand referinte si recomandari. Insa oricum am fi si oriunde am merge sa culegem sfaturi si mici ponturi, ideea de baza este ca ne place sa avem grija de noi.


EN: I think every woman has her own beauty ritual. For some there are face masks with egg and cornstarch passed on from mother to daughter, for others there are masks with green clay as seen in movies, others talk to their dermatologist and even more talk to other women, looking for references and recommendations. But no matter where we go to for advice and tips, the main idea is that we like taking care of ourselves.

Vorbeam cu o prietena acum ceva timp si imi spunea ca a dedicat jumatate de zi cautarii celor mai bune dermato-cosmetice pentru varsta ei, adica 30 de ani. Pentru ca nu te prea poti juca cu ingredientele acestea, pentru ca exista o logica cu care se combina si un anumit fel de a le folosi, i-a luat 6 ore si multe site-uri specializate sa isi dea seama cum sta treaba. A sfarsit prin a comanda doua produse pe care le-a integrat usor-usor in ritualul ei de frumusete. Prima reactie? “Nu stiam ca am riduri pana cand am inceput sa observ ca imi dispar de pe fata!” Inca suntem la varsta cand timpul e cumsecade cu noi, desi o noapte sau doua de nesomn iti fac uneori o mica avanpremiera a ceea ce va fi. Inca “scapam” daca ne hidratam  si daca mancam sanatos, insa probabil ca in 2-3 ani treaba nu o sa mai fie asa usoara. Insa tocmai din acest motiv e bine sa incepem devreme – e mai usor sa tratezi niste riduri fine decat niste riduri care s-au adancit si au lasat semne vizibile in piele. Asadar, in loc sa cauti un remediu minune la 40 de ani, poti sa introduci in rutina ta de frumusete produse care sa iti ajute organismul sa combata semnele varstei.

Productia de colagen incetineste inca de la 25 de ani, asa ca iata, probabil aceasta este varsta cand poti sa te ajuti usor-usor de produse inovative. Eu testez acum serul din gama MULTICOLLAGEN de la elmiplant, care contine colagen natural activ si acid hialuronic – iar pe acestea le recunosc pentru ca prietena despre care aminteam nu se mai oprea din a le lauda! Efectul este vizibil in cateva zile. Nu am vazut inca cum imi dispar ridurile ca prin minune, pentru ca acesta este o rutina pe termen lung, nu un tratament miraculos, insa calitatea pielii s-a modificat. Datorita acidului hialuronic pare mai supla si mai elastica.

Serul pe care il folosesc eu de la elmiplant este un produs care are la baza un ingredient premiat! Ca de altfel toata gama MULTICOLLAGEN (o sa o recunoasteti pe rafturi usor, inclusiv datorita faptului ca pe ambalaje e mentionat acest premiu), alcatuita din trei produse inovatoare – crema antirid de zi cu SPF10, crema antirid de noapte si serul antirid concentrat cu ingrediente premium, in care este integrat Collagen Restorer, substanta activa principala din formulele propuse drept solutie antiaging. De fapt, acest Collagen Restorer este ingredientul premiat al categoriei „25 de ani de inovatie”, in cadrul premiilor IN-COSMETICS. Si daca vreti explicatia specialistilor, va spun ca peptida antirid stimulează sinteza elementelor esențiale pentru regenerarea pielii – cele trei tipuri de colagen (I, III, IV), fibrele esențiale de susținere a pielii și acidul hialuronic.

SFAT 1: Iar ca rezultatele sa fie si mai bune, pe langa o rutina impecabila de ingrijire exterioara a pielii, tineti cont si de alimentatie – alegeti alimente bogate in magneziu si zinc, care sustin producerea in mod natural de catre organism a colagenului. Vitamina C este de asemenea recomandata pentru a adauga un „boost” de colagen, de la interior.

SFAT 2: Incearca pe cat posibil sa eviti zaharul din alimentatia ta. Colagenul si elastina sunt doua dintre proteinele cele mai afectate de consumul de zahar, la care se adauga dezactivarea enzimelor cu rol antioxidant, producand astfel imbatranirea prematura a pielii.

SFAT 3: Pentru ca toti ne plangem ca suntem stresati, sfatul meu e sa incercati in fiecare zi sa va gasiti un moment al vostru de linistite. Sigur ca ideal e un somn lung, neintrerupt, dar daca acesta e imposibil, atunci macar o baie calda, cu spuma, cu creme, cu de toate, inainte de culcare. Asa cum fac eu in aceste imagini, dar cum obisnuiesc sa fac oricum in mod curent. Pentru mine baia in cada este esentiala in procesul de relaxare dupa o zi obositoare. Iar daca nu sunteti fani bai calde, ca mine, atunci un ceai, o carte buna, orice care sa va relaxeze.

Asadar, revenind la ritualuri: daca am putea sa adaugam cateva noi obiceiuri celor pe care deja la avem… Daca am putea sa lasam pe marginea cazii un ser care sa ne ajute sa ne pastram o piele frumoasa si sanatoasa, daca am putea sa dedicam inca 10 secunde in plus seara, inainte de a iesi din baie, pentru a aplica o crema anti-rid…Ei bine cred ca asa vom reusi sa imbatranim frumos!

Am pus poze cu cremele din aceasta gama mai jos, ca sa stiti exact la ce fac referire 🙂

EN: A while ago I was talking to a friend of mine and she told me how she spent half a day looking for the best dermatological comsetics for her age, which is 30. Because you can’t play around with its ingredients, because there is a certain logic to combine them and a certain way to use them, it took her 6 hours and many dedicated websites to realize what it’s all about. In the end she ordered 2 products which she integrated easily into her beauty ritual. Her first reaction? “I didn’t know I had wrinkles until I noticed them disappearing!” We’re still at that age when time is gentle with us, even though one or two sleepless nights sometimes give you a small preview of what’s going to come. We’re still “getting by” if we’re hydrating ourselves enough or eating healthy, but things probably won’t be the same in 2-3 years. But it’s precisely because of this that we need to start early- it’s easier to take care of some fine expression lines than some deep wrinkles which have left visible marks on the skin. So, instead of looking for a wonder remedy at 40 years, you can introduce products to your beauty routine which help your body fight the signs of ageing.

The collagen production slows down starting with the age of 25, so this is probably the age to try out innovative products. Right now I am trying out the serum from the MULTICOLLAGEN range from elmiplant, which contains active natural collagen and hyaluronic acid- and I recognize these because my friend spoke very highly of them! The effect is visible in just a few days. I haven’t seen my wrinkles miraculously disappear, because this is a long term routine, not some wonder treatment, but the quality of my skin has changed. Thanks to the hyaluronic acid the skin is more supple and elastic.

The serum I am using from elmiplant is a product based on an awarded ingredient! As is the entire MULTICOLLAGEN range (you’ll recognize it very easy on the shelves, also thanks to the fact that this award is mentioned on the packaging), made up by three innovative products- anti wrinkle day cream with SPF10, anti wrinkle night cream and the concentrated anti wrinkle serum- with premium ingredints, such as Collagen Restorer, the main active ingredient in antiaging formulas. Actually, this Collagen Restorer is the ingredient awarded in the category “25 years of innovation”, at the IN-COSMETICS awards. And you want an explanation from the specialists, I can tell you that the anti wrinkle peptide stimulates the synthesis of the elements essential for skin regeneration- the three collagen types (I, III, IV), the fibers essential for skin sustentation and the hyaluronic acid.  

ADVICE 1: And to make the results even better, besides an impeccable skin care routine, also take into account the way you eat- choose food rich in magnesium and zinc, which help the body naturally produce collagen. Vitamin C is also recommended for an interior collagen boost.  

ADVICE 2: Try to avoid sugar as much as possible. The collagen and elastin are two of the proteins most affected by sugar, to which you can also add the deactivation of the enzymes with antioxidant purpose, therefore aging the skin prematurely.  

ADVICE 3: Because we are all complaining of being stressed out, my advice is to try every day to find your own moment of peace. Of course, a long uninterrupted sleep is ideal, but if that’s not possible, then at least a warm bubble bath, with lotions and all the works, before going to bed. Just as I am doing in these pictures, and as I usually do. To me a warm bath is essential in the relaxation process after a long day. And if you’re not fans of taking long warm baths, as I am, then a tea, a good book, anything that relaxes you.

So, coming back to rituals: if we can add a few new habits to those we already have… If we could leave a serum by the bathtub which will help us maintain a beautiful and healthy skin, if we could dedicate an extra 10 seconds for ourselves in the evening, before leaving the bathroom, to apply an anti wrinkle cream… Well, I think we might have a chance of aging beautifully!

I have uploaded pictures of the creams from this range below, just to get an idea of what I’m talking about:) 

  • Ewa Macherowska/ 24.10.2017Reply

    Wow! Such a beautiful pics!

    • Dana/ 25.10.2017Reply

      Thanks 🙂

  • Ela/ 26.10.2017Reply

    Lumina este foarte interesanta, felicitari fotografului. Insa pare o reclama pentru ulei de baie.

    Ritualul de skincare mi se pare un subiect important… dincolo de reclame. Ai putea face un post cu intreg ritualul, de la curatarea tenului pana la aplicarea protectiei solare.

    • Dana/ 26.10.2017Reply

      OK. Multumesc de sugestie, fac atunci un articol separat legat de ingrijirea tenului pe timp de iarna, pas cu pas 🙂

      • Ela/ 27.10.2017Reply

        Multumesc! Mai facem un schimb de idei cu comunitatea de pe blogul tau si avem toate/toti de castigat. 😉

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