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E parte din proces

Si tocmai m-am tuns si mai scurt! De data aceasta nu a mai fost alegerea mea, ci a fost o decizie luata impreuna cu echipa de filmare, pentru rolul din lungmetrajul regizat de Radu, ale carui filmari vor incepe in luna februarie.

EN: And I just cut my hair even shorter! This time it wasn’t my choice, but a decision made together with the film crew, for the role in the motion picture directed by Radu, for which shooting is about to start in February.

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Cateva idei la reducere

Sunt cateva piese care ti-ar prinde bine la aceasta tura de reduceri. Fie ca este vorba de rochita ideala pentru o nunta la care esti invitata in aceasta vara, fie ca e vorba de o pereche de pantofi pe care ti-i doreai insa costau mult prea mult, acesta este momentul sa iti pregatesti cardul. Aseaza-te comod, iesim la shopping online!


EN: There are a few items which are too good to miss on sales. Whether it’s the ideal dress for a wedding you are invited to this summer, or a pair of shoes you always wanted but were too expensive, this is the time to take out your credit card. Get comfy, we’re going online shopping!

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Un pic de hygge

Ati auzit de hygge? Mie tocmai mi-a povestit despre acest concept o prietena si m-am gandit ca, intr-un fel, imi defineste foarte bine o multime de idei despre decorul interior si despre atmosfera pe care incerc sa o am in casa.


EN: Did you hear about hygge? A friend of mine recently told me about this concept and I thought that, in a way, it defines quite well many of my ideas about interior design and about the atmosphere I am trying to create in my home.

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O doamna in bucatarie

Deci, cum era? Doamna in societate si gospodina acasa. Eh, uite ca eu sunt doamna acasa, mai precis fix in bucatarie, cu cratita in mana.


EN: So, how was it? Lady in society and housewife at home. Well, I am a lady at home, to be more precise in the kitchen, holding a frying pan.

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Moon e pe harta PulS

La finalul anului trecut, Anca Ciofarla – artist vizual – a trecut pragul Moon Studio, si-a scos acuarelele, pensulele si tot ce ii era necesar, si-a ales unghiurile favorite si, intr-o atmosfera linistita, a inceput sa picteze. Prin programul PulS, 30 de de artiști au creat aproximativ 120 de lucrari de grafica si pictura, inspirate de locurile favorite ale acestora din Bucuresti.


EN: At the end of last year, Anca Ciofarla – visual artist- stopped by Moon Studio, took out her water colors, brushes and everything else she needed, chose her favorite angles and, in a quiet mood, started painting. Through the program PulS, 30 artists have created approximately 120 works of graphic and painting, inspired by their favorite places in Bucharest.

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Ea e Anastasia. El e Anu

Pentru ca pe vremea de afara numai de sedinte foto “fashion” nu imi arde, m-am gandit sa fac o selectie cu pozele de la munte, din cele cateva nopti petrecute cu ocazia Revelionului in localitatea Lazarea, aproape de Lacul Rosu. O sa o cunoasteti mai bine si pe Anastasia Maria, finuta noastra cea mica (caci mai avem o finuta, pe Alexandra, doar ca e deja la scoala!), cea care s-a indragostit iremediabil de Vlad in aceasta escapada.


EN: Because on this weather, the last thing I feel like are “fashion” photo shoots, I thought I would make a selection of pictures from the mountain side, from our few days we spend for New Year’s in Lazarea, near Lacul Rosu. You will also get to know better Anastasia Maria, our little goddaughter (we have another one, Alexandra, but she’s already in school!), who fell in love head over heels with Vlad during this escapade.

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