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Hainele cele noi

Am ales cele 3 castigatoare prin tragere la sorti:

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La Multi Ani, Vlad! (partea I)

Azi este cea mai fericita zi din an pentru noi. Astazi este ziua lui Vlad, care implineste 3 ani!


EN: Today is the happiest day of the year for us. Today is Vlad’s 3rd birthday!

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Concluzii post-intalnire mamici

Cand vine vorba de cresterea copiilor, recomandarile, normele, standardele s-au schimbat foarte mult de la generatia parintilor nostri la generatia parintilor de acum. Ba mai mult, medicul pediatru Andreea Manda m-a “linistit” spunadu-mi ca s-au schimbat inclusiv de la nasterea lui Vlad si pana astazi. Cu alte cuvinte, studii legate de alimentatia copilului, de nevoile lui nutritionale, studii privind alergiile, programarea metabolica sau dezvoltarea lui optima din punct de vedere psihic si fizic se desfasoara chiar in acest moment, iar datele noi sunt interpretate de catre specialisti, transmise medicilor si ulterior viitorilor parinti. Si uite cum am avut o revelatie…

EN: When it comes to raising kids, the recommendations, the norms, the standard have changed a lot from our parents’ generation to the generation of nowadays parents. Furthermore, the pediatrician Andreea Manda has “encouraged” me by saying that they have also changed since Vlad was born until today. In other words, studies about the child’s nutrition, his nutritional needs, studies about allergies, metabolic programming or his optimal development both physically and psychically are being done as we speak, and the new data are interpreted by specialists, passed on to doctors and then to future parents. And then I had an epiphany…

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Dragobetele pe la filmari

Va povesteam ca anul acesta Sfantul Valentin a fost diferit, pentru ca ne-a prins in toiul pregatirilor pentru lungmetraj. Ei bine, Dragobetele a fost cu totul special, pentru ca l-am “sarbatorit” printr-o scena de sex cu un alt barbat…


EN: I told you that this year’s Valentine’s Day was different, because we were in the middle of the preparations for the motion picture. Well. Dragobete was completely special, because I “celebrated” it through a sex scene with another man…

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Moda cu Avon

Am facut tragerea la sorti si am aflat cele 5 castigatoare!

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O garderoba noua in 4 pasi usori

Voi ce update-uri faceti garderobei de la un sezon la altul pentru a fi in trend? Eu am observat ca, oricat de mult as incerca, daca nu am niste obiective clare setate cand ies la cumparaturi, ajung sa iau variatii ale aceleiasi perechi de blugi favorita si tricouri cu dungi. Din acest punct de vedere prefer mult mai mult shopping-ul online pentru ca ma tine destul de focusata pe ce am cu adevarat nevoie si nici nu ma pierd prea tare cu capul cautand lucrurile pe care le am deja.


EN: What kind of trend upgrades do you give your wardrobe from one season to the other? I noticed that, no matter how hard I try, if I don’t some clear objectives when I go shopping, I end up buying variations of the same favorite pair of jeans of striped t-shirts. From this point of view I prefer online shopping because it keeps me focused on what I really need and I don’t get lost looking at stuff I already own. 

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Cea mai Lunatica Petrecere: 4 ani Moon

Cu ocazia implinirii a 4 ani de Moon by Dana Rogoz, am facut cea mai Lunatica petrecere de departe! Lucrurile au luat-o complet razvna, de am ajuns la 1 noaptea sa cantam si sa dansam pe N&D, Spice Girls sau 3 Sud Est. Iata cum s-a desfasurat Pijama Party Moon 4.


EN: For Moon by Dana Rogoz’s 4th anniversary, I held the most Lunatic party ever! Things got completely crazy when at 1 am we were singing and dancing to N& D, Spice Girls or 3 Sud Est. Here’s what happened at the 4th Moon Pajama Party.

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