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Cum tinem casa curata

Mana sus toate mamicile cu copii sub 4 ani care au strans, spalat, aruncat sau curatat ceva in ultima zi! Sper ca ati ridicat toate mana, altfel  o sa fiu convinsa ca Vladut este copilul atomic si am totusi o presimtire ca nu e el chiar asa de nazdravan!


EN: Raise your hands all mothers with toddlers under 4 who have washed, cleaned up or thrown out something today! I hope you all raised your hands, otherwise I will be convinced that Vlad is the atomic child and still I have a feeling that he is not that naughty!

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Lectie de geometrie

Nu, nu e vorba despre bowling. Desi… nu mi-ar displacea o seara cu familia la bowling, ca pe vremuri, cand la un strike urlam pana raguseam. Iar la urmatoarea lovitura nu nimeream nici macar una si simteam ca “viata e nedreapta, domne'”. Asadar, lasam bowlingul, si ne concetram atentia nu atat pe minge, cat mai degraba pe printurile geometrice ce definesc aceasta tinuta.


EN: No, it’s not about bowling. Although… I wouldn’t mind a bowling night out with my family, like in the old days, when we would cheer for each strike until our throats were soar. And on the next game we wouldn’t hit anything, thinking that “life’s not fair, man”. So, bowling aside, let’s concentrate not so much on the ball, but more on the geometrical prints which define this outfit.

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Atuul meu

Extrem de multa lume m-a intrebat in ultima vreme ce fond de ten folosesc. Raspuns corect: Teint Idole Ultra Wear de la Lancome. Folosesc numarul 1 cand sunt pe scena, in lumina reflectoarelor, si numarul 2 in viata de zi cu zi. Imi place la nebunie, pentru ca are o textura lejera, e super rezistent la transfer si acopera perfect.


EN: A lot of people have asked me lately what kind of foundation I am using in my make-up. The correct answer: Teint Idole Ultra Wear from Lancôme. I use number 1 when I’m on stage, in the spotlight, and number 2 in every day life. I love it, because it has a light texture, is highly transfer resistant and covers perfectly.

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In cautare de retete pentru copii

Nu sunt vreo mare bucatareasa, iar Vlad nu mai e un mancacios. Asadar, v-as fi extrem de recunoscatoare daca mi-ati da niste idei de retete pe placul copiilor. Am putea aduna la aceasta postare multe retete, iar ele sa fie de ajutor tuturor mamicilor, de-a lungul timpului. Presimt ca o sa tot revin aici ca sa ma inspir, cand nu voi mai sti ce sa ii gatesc mofturosului meu.


EN: I am no great cook, and Vlad isn’t a good eater anymore. So, I would be very grateful for some child friendly recipes. We could gather many recipes to this post, and they could be helpful to all the mothers out there. I am certain I will come back here for inspiration, when I won’t know anymore what to cook for my picky eater.

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Si… Actiune!

Aceasta sedinta foto este realizata exact inainte de a incepe o noua zi de filmare. Poate tocmai de aceea are un aer de… cinema. Mi se pare doar mie?


EN: This photo shooting was made right before a new filming day began. Maybe that’s why it has a…cinema allure. Or is it just me?

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La Multi Ani, Vlad! (partea a II a)

Cel mai frumos cadou pe care mi-l putea face mie Radu cu ocazia zilei de nastere a lui Vlad este setul de poze cu noi doi la MNAC.


EN: The most beautiful gift Radu could get me for Vlad’s birthday is the set of pictures with the two of us at MNAC.

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