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Ca fetele…

E vremea teraselor, asa ca am ales o tinuta potrivita pentru a iesi cu fetele… la o bere. Ce?! Numai ei sa aiba acest obicei?


EN: It’s high time for sitting outside on the terrace, so I chose an outfit suitable for an evening out with the girls… for a beer. What?! Is this habit only specific to men?

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Cand ajungeti in Moon Studio

Ne-am intors in Moon Studio, cu mai multe informatii legate de produsele pe care le puteti gasi aici, in afara celor din colectia Moon, desigur. Daca trebuie sa cumparati urgent un cadou inedit, creat de un designer roman, s-ar putea sa-l gasiti chiar aici.


EN: Back to Moon Studio, with more information about the products you can find here, besides those from the Moon collection, of course. If you have to buy a unique gift right away, made by a Romanian designer, you might find it right here.

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Gradina mea suspendata

Mi-a inflorit gradina de pe terasa! Asta DA motiv de fericire! Haideti sa vedeti ce frumusete…


EN: My terrace garden is in bloom! This really IS a reason to be happy! Let me show you what a beauty it is…

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Cu copilul in Koh Phangan

Unde ramasesem? Eram inca in Bangkok cu povestea, parca. Ei bine dupa 3 nopti petrecute acolo am zburat direct spre Surat Thani, de unde un ferry de vreo 4 ore ne-a adus pe minunata insula Koh Phangan (sau Ko Pha Ngan). Iata cum am petrecut o parte din vacanta noastra in Thailanda, impreuna cu Vlad de 3 ani – proaspat impliniti.


EN: Where was I? Still in Bangkok with my story, I think. Well after 3 nights we spent there, we flew straight to Surat Thani, from where we took a ferry for 4 hours and arrived to the beautiful island of Koh Phangan (or Ko Pha Ngan). Here’s how we spent part of our vacation in Thailand, together with Vlad, who had just turned 3.

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Despre tantrum – uri

Momentul adevarului: tantrum-urile!


EN: The moment of truth: tantrums!

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Gala Met- Cele mai bune tinute

Rei Kawakubo, designerul din spatele brandului Commes des Garcons, este in atentia industriei de fashion, o data cu deschiderea noii expozitii de la Metropolitan Museum of Art din New York. Expozitia se numeste Rei Kawakubo/ Commes de Garcons: Art of the In-Between si face o recenzie exhaustiva a tuturor pieselor iconice ale unuia dintre cele mai avangardiste branduri. Linia fina dintre moda si anti-moda, relatia dintre frumos si urat, dintre structural si de-construit – toate aceste teme explorate de Rei Kawakubo se regasesc in creatiile sale, acum atent alese intr-o expozitie pe care va recomand sa o vizitati, daca aceasta vara va duce prin New York.


EN: Rei Kawakubo, the designer behind the brand Commes des Garcons, is in the focus of the fashion industry, ever since the opening of the new exhibition from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. The exhibition is called Rei Kawakubo/ Commes de Garcons: Art of the In-Between and makes an exhaustive review of all the iconic pieces from one of the most avant-garde brands. The fine line between fashion and anti- fashion, the relationship between beautiful and ugly, between structural and de- structured- all these themes explored by Rei Kawakubo are found in his creations, now carefully selected in an exhibition which I recommend you visit, if your roads lead to New York this summer.

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