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Femeia care isi paraseste barbatul

Castigatorul marelui trofeu la TIFF a fost filmul georgian “My Happy Family”, care spune povestea unei femei de vreo 50 de ani care isi paraseste barbatul, fara sa fi fost batuta, fara sa fi fost inselata, alegand sa traiasca singura intr-un apartament inchiriat, unde isi permite sa asculte muzica ei preferata, sa citeasca, sa corecteze in liniste lucrarile elevilor ei si sa manance tort la cina.


EN: The winner of the main TIFF award was the Georgian movie “My Happy Family”, which tells the story of a woman in her 50s, who leaves her husband, without ever being beaten, cheated on, and chooses to live alone in a rented apartment, where she can afford to listen to her favorite music, read, correct her students’ papers in peace and quiet and have cake for dinner.

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TEDx Eroilor Women: 10 sfaturi pentru o conversatie reusita cu o mama

Dupa cum ati aflat probabil de pe Facebook sunt la TIFF acum. Vad filme de dimineata si pana seara, iar asta e minunat. Pe de alta parte, intoarcea in Cluj mi-a adus aminte de participarea mea la TEDx Eroilor Women, pe care voiam sa v-o împărtășesc.


EN: As you probably already know from Facebook, I am at TIFF right now. I am watching movies from morning until late in the evening, and that is wonderful. On the other hand, coming back to Cluj reminded me about my attendance for TEDx Eroilor Women, which I wanted to share with you. 

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Cambodgia cu copilul II

Poze noi din vacanta din Cambodgia, atat de proaspata in mintile si in sufletele noastre, incat inevitabil facem aproape zilnic referire la ea in conversațiile de familie.


EN: New pictures from our vacation in Cambodia, so fresh in our minds and souls, that we inevitably refer to it on a daily basis during our family conversations.

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Kimonoul se intoarce

Ma intreba cineva de curand care ar fi piesele must have ale verii. In mod cert unul dintre ele e kimono-ul.


EN: Someone recently asked me what the must have items of this summer are. The kimono is most definitely one of them.

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Cum o fi cand va creste?

Stapanii cainelui din imagini, parinti ai unei fete de 11 ani, mi-au dat o tema de gandire: Ce te faci cand creste copilul?


EN: The owners of the dog in the pictures, parents of an 11 years old girl, gave something to think about: What do you do when the child grows up?

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Cambodgia cu copilul

De 1 iunie, un cadou pentru Vlad cand nu va mai fi copil, si va aprecia exact ca mine acum aceste imagini din Cambodgia. Pe scurt: le ador.


EN: On the 1st of June, a gift to Vlad when he won’t be a child anymore, and he’ll appreciate this images from Cambodia just as much as I do. I adore them.

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Elle Best Celebrity Blog 2017 Winner

Oops! I did it again! Aseara am castigat in cadrul Elle Blogging Awards premiul Best Celebrity Blog, asa ca va multumesc mult de tot pentru voturi. M-am gandit sa va rasplatesc gestul cu o serie de poze vesele, dar si cu cele mai noi, amuzante si emotionante replici ale lui Vlad. Hai ca asta e un cadou dragut, zic, pentru voi.


EN: Oops! I did it again! Last night I won Best Celebrity Blog at the Elle Blogging Awards, so I would like to thank you very much for your votes. I thought I would repay you with some cheerful photos, but also with some of the newest, funniest and emotional lines from Vlad. I think that’s a cute gift, don’t you?

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