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Picioare prea lungi

O tinuta de vacanta, pentru cei plecati, dar si pentru cei ramasi inca in oras, dar care tanjesc dupa cateva zile libere, intr-o destinatie exotica. Sunt innebunita dupa acest model de pantaloni, care lungeste vizual picioarele. Si asta pentru ca nu exista sa spui: “Domne, are picioare prea lungi”.


EN: A holiday outfit, for those of you who are away, but also for those who are still in town, but who long for a few days off, on an exotic getaway. I really like this pants model, which makes your legs look longer. Because there’s no such thing as saying: “God, her legs are way too long.”

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#Digitaliada, generatia 2017

Va povesteam intr-o postare mai veche de pe blog despre #Digitaliada, unul dintre cele mai interesante proiecte de educatie digitala din Romania si cat de important si motivant este faptul ca ii ambitioneaza pe profesori sa isi dezvolte propriile materiale de studiu.


EN: In an older post, I told you about #Digitaliada, one of the most interesting digital education projects in Romania and about how important and motivating it is that they challenge teachers to develop their own study materials.

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Fețe Detașabile Moon – Summer Collection

Ca sa onoram cum se cuvine aceasta lansare, va invit si la CONCURS pentru un plic Moon in culoarea de baza favorita plus 2 fete detasabile la alegere, din noua colectie de vara.


EN: To properly honor this launch, I invite you to take part in a CONTEST for a Moon clutch in your favorite basic color plus 2 detachable covers of your choice, from the new summer collection.

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Cum am petrecut la TIFF

Vizionat cat mai multe filme de dimineata si pana seara, petreceri, culcat la 4 jumate dimineata sau si mai in zori, pus alarma la 8 – 9 si luat totul de la capat. Cam asa de fain a fost la TIFF. Inca resimt oboseala, dar prefer sa va scriu acum, cand inca mai sunt senzatiile proaspete.


EN: Watching as many movies as possible, from morning ’til late at night, parties, going to bed at 4 am or even later, setting the alarm for 8-9 am and starting all over again. That’s how great TIFF was. I am still tired, but I prefer writing to you now, while the sensations are still fresh in mind.

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Mic dejunul in pat este unul dintre cele mai bune lucruri care ti se pot intampla. Aici ma refer desigur la micul dejun atunci cand este facut corespunzator: ca surpriza, intr-o dimineata usor racoroasa si insorita, intr-o zi linistita de weekend. Poate ca din tonul meu usor nostalgic sesizati ca mi-e taaaaare dor de asa ceva, pentru ca nu e niciun mister faptul ca diminetile mele (ca ale oricaror mame!) sunt pline cu varf si indesat de o multime de lucruri, insa de relaxare nu. “O sa ma relaxez cand ajunge adolescent” este mantra din ultima vreme!


EN: Breakfast in bed is one of the best things ever. Of course I mean a proper breakfast: as a surprise, on a slightly chilly and sunny morning, on a quiet weekend morning. Maybe you can tell from my nostalgic tone that I really miss something like this, because it’s no mystery that my mornings (as are those of every mother!) are filled with everything except relaxation. “I’ll relax when he’s a teenager” is my mantra lately! 

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Moon Organic TSHIRT

Nu ca e al meu, dar pur si simplu ador tricoul cu fete detasabile Moon Organic TSHIRT. De fiecare data cand il port sau vad pe altcineva purtandu-l, parca il redescopar si efectiv nu ma mai satur de el.  Fata de modelul clasic, cel organic are o textura mai fina, dar si o croiala diferita. Pentru mine, e cel mai cool si mai original tricou din cate am vazut vreodata, asa ca mandria e pe masura (pe masura S, M, L, XL).


EN: Not that it’s mine, but I just love the detachable cover Moon Organic TSHIRT. Each time I wear it or I see someone else wearing it, I seem to rediscover it and I just can’t get enough of it. Compared to the classic model, the organic one has a smoother texture, but also a different tailoring. To me, it’s the coolest and the most original t-shirt I have ever seen, so my pride comes in the according size (sizes S, M, L, XL).

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