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Filmul Mo

Filmul “Mo”, pe care l-am filmat împreună cu Radu in lunile februarie – martie ale acestui an si in care joc alături de Răzvan Vasilescu si Mădălina Craiu, a fost selectat la Festivalul Internațional de Film de la Sarajevo, la secțiunea Work in Progress. Mare bucurie, va zic.


EN: The film “Mo”, which I have filmed together with Radu in February and March this year and in which I star along Razvan Vasilescu and Madalina Craiu, has been selected for the Sarajevo International Film Festival, in the category Work in Progress. Great joy, I’m telling you.

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Festival Look

Stiu, a trecut ceva timp de la Electric Castle, dar poate ca tinuta aleasa de mine va va inspira pentru festivalurile ce va sa vie.


EN: I know, it’s been a while since Electric Castle, but maybe this outfit I chose will inspire you for the festivals up and coming.

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Despre cremele cu protectie solara

M-am intors bronzata din Tenerife, desi nu am stat efectiv la plaja. Cel mai mult m-a prins soarele in timp ce ma dadeam ca nebuna pe toate toboganele din parcul acvatic Siam Park. Faceam cu schimbul, cand eu, cand Radu, in timp ce Vlad se dadea continuu pe toboganele potrivite varstei si inaltimii lui. Era foarte suparat ca nu e primit la cele la care ne dadeam noi: “Vlad, uite, trebuie sa ai 1,25 m. Vino langa centimentrul afisat si hai sa vezi care e inaltimea ta.” La cei 96 de cm ai lui, se aseza langa panoul cu pricina, se ridica pe varfuri si isi intindea mana cat putea de mult ca sa atinga linia de 1,25 m: “Uite, mama, am ajuns! Pot sa ma dau?” Pe scurt, experienta intregii familii in acest parc acvatic a fost una excelenta, mai ales ca nu am avut incidente neplacute. Si aici adaug inclusiv arsurile solare, caci despre ele vreau sa va vorbesc, in calitate de ambasador elmiplant.


EN: I came back with a tan from Tenerife, although I didn’t actually lay in the sun. I got most of my tan while riding the waterslides from Siam Park. We would trade places, me and Radu, while Vlad was constantly riding the slides suitable for his age and height. He was very upset that he wasn’t allowed on the ones we would go on: “Vlad, it says here that you must be over 1,25 m. Stand next to the meter and let’s see what your height is.” From his 96 cm, he would stand on his toes and raise his hands as high as he could, so he could reach the 1,25 m mark: “Look, mum, I reached it! Can I go now?” To be concise, the whole family’s experience in this waterpark was excellent, especially since we didn’t have any accidents. And in here I would also like to add sunburns, because that’s what I want to talk to you about, as a brand ambassador for elmiplant. 

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Primele poze de vacanta din Tenerife

Cand stii ca vacanta e ceva cu care te vei mai intalni abia la iarna, pozele pe care le-ai facut in cea mai recenta evadare iti aduc o bucurie de neimaginat. Stiu deja ca voi reveni la ace4asta postare de nenumarate ori de-a lungul anilor ce vor urma. Nu pot decat sa sper ca acest prim set sa va poarte pe nisipul negru din Tenerife.


EN: When you know vacation is something you’ll only come across again in winter, the pictures you took on your most recent getaway bring unimaginable joy. I already know I’ll come back to this post countless times along the coming years. I can only hope that this first set will take you to the black sands from Tenerife.

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Aveam 10 ani si multi bani pe mana

De curand am fost martora unui atelier de educatie financiara pentru copii, care m-a determinat sa fac un salt in timp, la varsta la care aveam 10 ani, eram pe litoral cu echipa Abracadabra si aveam multi bani pe mana cu care sa ma descurc, fara parintii mei alaturi.


EN: Recently I have attended a financial education workshop for kids, which made me go back in time, to when I was 10 years old, while touring with Abracadabra at the seaside and when I had lots of money at my disposal, to take care of myself, without my parents’ help.

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Un magneziu?

Mi-a venit greu sa scriu acest articol, din doua motive: 1. sa nu para “doar o reclama” si 2. pentru ca vorbeste despre limitele mele. Si na, e greu sa le strigi in gura mare si sa lasi tot Facebook-ul sa isi dea cu parerea.


EN: It was hard for me to write this article, for 2 reasons: 1. I didn’t want it to seem like just a commercial and 2. Because it speaks about my limitations. And you know, it is hard to talk about them openly and to let all Facebook chip in with an opinion.

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