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Prima plimbare in Stockholm

Cum am iesit din apartamentul nostru inchiriat in Stockholm, Vlad si-a gasit o pozitie confortabila in carut si – dupa nici 15 minute – s-a culcat. Iata imagini de la prima noastra plimbare prin acest oras nordic.


EN: As soon we went out of our rented apartment in Stockholm, Vlad found a comfortable position in his stroller and – after less than 15 minutes- fell asleep. Here are images from our first walk in this Northern city.

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Ciorapii cu Toc

Radu: “Astea nu sunt cizme peste genunchi. Sunt ciorapi cu toc”. Nu am avut ce sa comentez…


EN: Radu: “These aren’t above the knees boots. They’re socks with heels.”. I had nothing to say to that…

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32 ani

Sunt fericita. M-am trezit cu Radu in stanga mea si Vlad dormind profund in dreapta mea. Nu am rezistat sa nu fac câteva poze cu telefonul, primele de la 32 de ani. Pentru ca totul era perfect in momentul acela.


EN: I am happy. I woke up with Radu on my left side and Vlad sleeping soundly on my right. I couldn’t help but take some pictures with my phone, the first ones at 32. Because everything was perfect in that moment. Read More

Piesele clasice de street wear

In fiecare nou sezon echipa Carrefour ma invita sa descopar colectia TEX #modacuchefdeviata si in fiecare an sunt impresionata in mod real de oferta lor! Sezonul acesta nu este vreo exceptie, pentru ca mi-am compus o tinuta cool, fresh, in tendinte, dar cu niste accente destul de “timeless”. Sigur, prin “timeless” nu ma gandesc la piese lady-like, pentru ca exista o multime de piese clasice si de “street wear”.


EN: Each new season, the Carrefour team invites me to discover the TEX collection #modacuchefdeviata and every time I am truly impressed by their offer! This season is no exception, because I have put together a cool fresh, trendy outfit, but with some pretty timeless accents. Of course, by timeless I don’t mean lady-like pieces, because there are plenty of classical pieces for “street wear” too.

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21 and counting!

21 de ani. Woooah!

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Am un plan pentru ziua mea

Asa cum poate ati aflat deja de pe pagina mea oficiala de Facebook ori de pe Instagram, tocmai ne-am intors in Bucuresti, dupa un weekend petrecut la mare cu rulota. A fost neasteptat de frumos. Am campat chiar pe plaja, Vlad ne-a trezit in fiecare dimineata cat sa prindem rasaritul si am vazut pentru prima oara in viata mea lebede in mare. Acum pregatesc un alt City Break, pentru weekend-ul care urmeaza, cadou de ziua mea. Asadar, astept de la voi cat mai multe sfaturi pentru … STOCKHOLM!


EN: As you may already have found out from my official Facebook page or Instagram account, we just got back to Bucharest, after a weekend spent at the seaside, in the trailer. It was unexpectedly beautiful. We camped right on the beach, Vlad woke us up each morning just in time to catch the sunrise and for the first time in my life I have seen swans in the sea. Right now I am preparing another city break, for next weekend, as a birthday gift to me. So, I am expecting as many advice from you as possible about… STOCKHOLM!

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