Ultima zi din 2017
Stiti cum e, ziua in care se face bilantul. Cum a fost 2017 si ce asteptari am de la 2018…
EN: You know what it’s like, the day of account balance. What was 2017 like and what are my expectations from 2018…
Stiti cum e, ziua in care se face bilantul. Cum a fost 2017 si ce asteptari am de la 2018…
EN: You know what it’s like, the day of account balance. What was 2017 like and what are my expectations from 2018…
Craciun Fericit, prieteni! Va povestesc in mare graba cum a fost dimineata noastra si apoi va las sa va bucurati de aceasta sedinta foto, pe care am pastrat-o ca pe un cadou ascuns in debara special pentru aceasta zi…
EN: Merry Christmas, my friends! I’ll tell you quickly about our morning and then I’ll leave you to enjoy this photo session, which I kept as a gift hidden in the closet, especially for today…
Am fost la lansarea primului centru privat multidisciplinar de somnologie pediatrica din Romania si m-am bucurat sa aflu o multime de informatii utile oricarui parinte care vrea sa fie sigur ca are un copil care se dezvolta normal si care va creste sanatos si destept. Somnul este la fel de important pentru cresterea copilului precum alimentatia sanatoasa. In fond un copil isi petrece jumatate din viata dormind!
EN: I have been invited to the launch of the first multi disciplinary center for Pediatric Somnology in Romania and I was happy to find out plenty of information which are useful to every parent who wants to make sure his/her child who has a normal development and who will grow up to be healthy and smart. Sleep is just as important for child development as is healthy food. Basically a child spends half his life sleeping!
Doamne, ce perioada agitata…. ultimele zile inaintea Craciunului, cand vrei sa fie toate perfecte si perfectiunea asta pare ca asteapta sa vina anul nou mai repede.
EN: God, such crazy times… the last days before Christmas, when you want everything to be perfect and this perfection seems like it’s waiting for the new year to arrive earlier.
Rog familia sa nu urmareasca acest video, ca sa nu afle ce cadouri am cumparat pentru Craciun. Voi puteti sa o faceti si veti intelege astfel si ce inseamna sa fii Daruitor de Meserie.
EN: I ask my family not to watch this video, so they won’t find out what gifts I got for Christmas. You are allowed to, so you can also understand what it means to be a Full Time Giver.
In aceasta perioada cred ca si voi, ca si mine, va deschideti larg dulapul si va intrebati, cu o cana mare de cafea in mana: “Oare eu cu ce ma imbrac de Craciun?”
EN: I am sure that in this time of the year, you, much like myself, open your closet widely, while holding a cup of coffee, and wonder: “What am I going to wear for Christmas?”