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White Moon

Ieri m-am intors din tabara… ah, pardon, de la TIFF, si m-am pus pe treaba. Mai sunt doar cateva zile pana la Happy Run, asa ca daca vreti sa intrati in echipa “Lunatecelor”, acum e momentul sa profitati de ocazie.


EN: Yesterday I got back from camp…oh, sorry, I meant from TIFF, and I am back in business. There are only a few days left until Happy Run, so if you want to join the “Lunatics Team”, now’s the time to do it.

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10 pentru tine

Pentru ca e 1 iunie, va las mai jos o scrisoare pe care am scris-o pentru Vlad, cand el era doar un bebelus, cu speranta ca intr-o zi o va citi singur si va simti dragostea mea dintre randuri.
EN: Since it’s the 1st of June, I want to share with a letter I wrote to Vlad when he was still a baby, hoping that one day he’ll read on his own and feel my love between the lines.

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Sunt gata de vara!

Fiind unul dintre primele magazine “din afara” care au aparut in Romania, tin minte perfect cand am intrat pentru prima oara intr-un Marks & Spencer si cum m-am minunat de varietatea foarte mare de haine. Eram adolescenta pe atunci, si nu pot sa zic ca ma regaseam neaparat in stilul lor ceva mai matur sau in croiurile clasice propuse. Asta pentru ca stilul meu personal era mai mult decat discutabil in etapa respectiva, dorindu-mi cu orice pret sa fiu “sexy” si cam atat… Dar, fast forward “cativa” ani mai tarziu, redescopar Marks & Spencer tare entuziasmata!


EN: It was one of the first stores “from abroad” which opened in Romania, so I remember perfectly when I entered a Marks& Spencer for the first time and how I was amazed by their very large variety of clothes. I was a teenager back then, and I can’t really say that I necessarily found myself in their slightly more mature style or in the classical tailoring they offered. That’s also because my personal style was more than debatable at that point, when the only thing I wanted was to be “sexy”… But, fast forward a few years later, I am very happy to rediscover Marks& Spencer!

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14 ani impreuna

Ieri, Radu si cu mine am implinit 14 ani de relatie. Paisprezece! I-am sarbatorit in Tel Aviv, de unde va scriu in acest moment.


EN: Yesterday, Radu and I celebrated 14 years of relationship. Fourteen! We celebrated them in Tel Aviv, where I am writing to you from at the moment.

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Vine vara, bine-mi pare!

Ultimele zile de primavara sunt aici, iar saptamana viitoare avem (aproape) un weekend continuu! Vine vara! Si ce poate sa spuna VARA mai mult decat niste zile libere pe care le poti petrece foarte bine la mare sau la munte, undeva departe de nebunia orasului! Oriunde ati pleca insa, sfatul meu pentru shoppingul de vara este sa pastrati fondurile principale pentru vacante si sa directionati un mic buget prietenos catre o noua garderoba. Mai precis colectia TEX, disponibila in magazinele Carrefour si la noua adresa de shopping, este o astfel de solutie perfecta: haine clasice, de buna calitate si cu preturi tare bune.
EN: The last days of spring are here, and next week will be (almost) a continuous weekend! Summer is coming! And what says SUMMER better than a few days off which you can spend at the seaside or in the mountains, somewhere far away from the crazy busy city! But no matter where you head off to, my advice for summer shopping is to keep your main budget for vacations and to spend a small friendly budget on a new wardrobe. To be more precise the new TEX collection, available in all Carrefours hypermarkets and online at the new shopping address, is such a perfect solution: classical pieces, of good quality and for very reasonable prices.

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Phu Quoc (1)

M-am intors la folderul cu poze din Vietnam, caci am ramas datoare cu imaginile din Phu Quoc, insula din sudul acestei tari, foarte aproape de Cambodgia. Am stat vreo 7- 8 nopti acolo, fiind finalul vacantei noastre, asa ca am facut sute (poate chiar mii) de poze. O sa impart asadar fotografiile in mai multe postari, ca sa va bucurati de ele pe indelete. Asa dor mi se face de o plecare cand ma uit la ele…..Doamneeeeeee……


EN: I got back to my folder with photos from Vietnam, because I still owed you the ones from Phu Quoc, the island from the Southern part of the country, very close to Cambodia. We spent about 7-8 nights there, since it was the end of our vacation, so we took hundreds (maybe even thousands) of pictures. So I will split the photos into multiple posts, so you can enjoy them thoroughly. When I look at them, I miss leaving so much…Goooooood…

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