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Phu Quoc (3)

Am strabatut Vietnamul de la Ho Chi Minh si pana in Hanoi, stand in fiecare loc cate 2 – 3 nopti, intorcandu-ne din nou in sud pentru Phu Quoc. In aceasta insula am stat cel mai mult, gandindu-ne ca plaja si oceanul vor fi pe placul lui Vlad. Si nu ne-am inselat. Tocmai de aceea, cele mai multe imagini le avem de aici. Acesta e penultimul set de poze din Vietnam. Bucurati-va de el, iar daca aveti intrebari, nu ezitati.


EN: We have visited Vietnam from Ho Chi Minh to Hanoi, spending about 2-3 nights in every place, coming back to the South for Phu Quoc. We stayed the longest on this island, thinking that Vlad will love the beach and the ocean. And we were right. That’s why, most of our pictures are from here. This is one of the last sets of photos from Vietnam. Enjoy it, and if you have any questions, don’t hesitate.

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Brambura prin Lume – ep.2

Bucurati-va de al doilea episod de vlog “Brambura prin Lume” si apoi, daca aveti chef si timp, lasati-mi un feedback. Aici si/sau pe YouTube.


EN: Enjoy the second vlog episode “Brambura through the World” and then, if you find the time and the mood for it, leave me a feedback. Here and/ or on YouTube.

Sase idei de adaugat in cosul de cumparaturi

Cumparaturile vara sunt o adevarata provocare pentru mine pentru ca oscilez ca un titirez intre doua extreme: fie am impresia ca deja am cumparat absolut tot ce am nevoie verile trecute (cate rochii albe sa imi mai iau!?), fie mi se pare ca tot ce am este ultra-obosit si am nevoie de o garderoba complet noua. Si cum nebunia asta in care ma tot impart poate sa fie comuna mai multor femei ca mine, m-am gandit sa fac un top cu 6 piese pentru aceasta vara, care mi se pare ca pot da exact doza necesara de noutate si prospetime, fara a face insa nota discordanta cu restul garderobei voastre. Sper sa va ajute, pe mine m-a ordonat putin in planificarea cumparaturilor!


EN: Summer shopping is a real challenge for me because I’m constantly torn between two extremes: I am under the impression that I already bought everything I needed in the last summer (how many white dresses can one have?!), or I believe that everything I have is already boring and I need a completely new wardrobe. And since this madness might be something that happens to many women like myself, I thought I should make a top with 6 key pieces for the summer, which I think can bring exactly the amount of newness and freshness needed, without being too different from the rest of your wardrobe. I hope it’s helpful to you, it helped me get a bit more organized in shopping planning!

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Totul a inceput cu o provacare primita de la Andreea Raicu de a purta culoarea preferata timp de 3 zile. Am ales galbenul si, desi cele 3 zile s-au incheiat, eu continuu sa imi umplu contul de Instagram cu postari in care aceasta culoare puternica este vedeta, ca intr-un soi de dependenta. Da, imi place galbenul. De aceea azi am ajuns sa postez o fotografie cu 12 (!!!!) oua ochiuri de prepelita…. Va invit sa descoperiti aceasta rochie galbena superba, dar si detalii despre 2 concursuri care se desfasoara in paralel pe contul de Instagram si pe cel de Facebook.


EN: It all started with a challenge I received from Andreea Raicu to wear my favorite color for 3 days. I chose yellow and, even though the 3 days are over, I am still filling my Instagram account with posts in which this strong color is the star, as in some sort of addiction. Yes, I like yellow. That’s why today I posted a picture of 12 (!!!!) quail eggs… I invite you to discover this gorgeous yellow dress, but also details about 2 contests which take place at the same time on both my Instagram and Facebook account.

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Girl on the Moon Project (ep. 3) – 5 Tips

Mai intai ati putut urmari portretul video al Laurei Gardu, de profesie pilot. Daca aveti frica de avion si nu ati urmarit inca interviul, va sfatuiesc sa o faceti. Inteligenta, calmul, modestia, felul ei de a povesti, va vor da curaj. Desi nu am apucat sa ne cunoastem decat prin intermediul acest proiect, dar si o data in calitate de pasager – pilot (cand i-am facut si invitatia, de altfel, sa fie eroina ep 3), am ramas cu convingerea ca Laura Gardu este un om deosebit. Cititi mai jos cele 5 sfaturi ale ei si o sa imi dati dreptate. Dar mai intai de toate, a sosit momentul sa vedeti exercitiul de stil pe care l-am facut impreuna.


EN: First you could watch the video portrait of Laura Gardu, pilot. If you have a fear of flight and didn’t get a chance to see the interview yet, I advise you to do it. Her intelligence, charm, modesty, storytelling abilities will give you courage. Although we didn’t get to know each other before this project, but also once as passenger (when I also invited her to be the hero of episode 3), I was convinced that Laura Gardu is a special person. Please read below her 5 advice and you’ll be convinced yourselves. But first of all, it’s time to see the style exercise which we put together. 

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Jurnal de calatorie in Vietnam: Phu Quoc (2)

Asa cum va promiteam recent, am revenit cu ultima fila din Jurnalul de calatorie in Vietnam, in care o sa va povestesc mai pe larg experienta noastra in Phu Quoc.


EN: As promised, I am back with the last chapter of our Vietnam Travel Log, in which I will tell you more about our experience in Phu Quoc.

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Va cer ajutorul pentru vacanta de vara

Vara aceasta plec in Sicilia cu familia. E prima oara cand vizitez aceasta insula, asadar orice sfat e mai mult decat binevenit.


EN: This summer I am going to Sicily with my family. It’s my first time on this island, so any advice is more than welcome.

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