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Intoarcerea acasa

Ne-am intors sambata in tara, cand pilotul ne anunta ca la sol ne asteapta -10 grade. Diferenta de doar 45 de grade intre Sri Lanka si Romania nu m-a speriat prea tare, desi am iesit din aeroport incaltata in sandale (cu ciorapii lui Radu cu tot). Ba chiar m-am bucurat ca e zapada si ca ne mai putem inca bucura de ea.


EN: We got back home Saturday, when the pilot announced that we were expected with a temperature of -10 degrees . I wasn’t that scared of the 45 degrees difference between Sri Lanka and Romania, even though I stepped out of the airport wearing sandals (including Radu’s socks). I was actually happy about the snow and about the fact that we get to enjoy it for a while.

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Bun venit, 2019!

Va scriu din Sri Lanka, unde mai sunt doar 4 ore pana in 2019. Va doresc sa aveti un an bun de tot, incat sa vi-l aduceti aminte peste ani! Sa fiti sanatosi si norocosi, sa radeti mult, sa fiti intelepti, sa aveti mai multa grija de sufletul vostru, sa nu va pierdeti speranta, sa credeti in oameni, sa nu va fie frica, sa fiti iubiti si sa iubiti la randul vostru fara nicio ezitare.


EN: I am writing to you from Sri Lanka, where 2019 is only 4 hours away. I hope you have an exceptionally good year, one to remember over the years! Be healthy and lucky, laugh a lot, be wise, take more care of your soul, don’t lose hope, believe in people, don’t be afraid, be loved and love without any hesitation.

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Craciun Fericit!

E o atmosfera superba acasa. Am ras de dimineata cu Vlad si Radu atat de mult, incat simt ca pentru mine a venit deja Craciunul. Cel mai frumos cadou e sa ii vad pe cei apropiati fericiti.


EN: It’s a wonderful atmosphere at our house. This morning we all laughed so hard, that I feel like, for me, Christmas is already here. The greatest gift is seeing my loved ones happy.

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Cadourile pentru EL de Craciun

Daca ati ramas in pana de idei pentru ca deja i-ati cumparat 2849 de cadouri de cand sunteti impreuna, am rascolit putin imaginatia si lista mea personala, dar si a unor prietene, si am gasit cateva sugestii care sa va scoata din bucluc!


EN: If you’re running out of ideas because you already got him like 2849 gifts since you’re together, I did some brainstorming and went through my personal list and through that of some of my friends, and I came up with a couple suggestions to save you!

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Chef de …. petrecerile Craciunului!

Rubrica sezoniera in care caut niste tinute care sa se poata integra intr-un buget super-bun a revenit! Pastrand traditia in care caut haine cu chef de viata, am ajuns in Carrefour unde am realizat ca brandul TEX nu dezamageste nici acum. Iata doua tinute care pot fi purtate la petrecerile de final de an.


EN: I’m back with some suggestions for outfits which can be integrated in a really good budget! In tune with the tradition of looking for clothes in the mood for life, I got to Carrefour where I realized that TEX never disappoints. Here are two outfits which can be worn to the end of the year parties.

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