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La Multi Ani, Vlad! 5 ani (partea a II a)

Acest set de fotografii impreuna cu Vlad este unul dintre preferatele mele. Nu ma mai satur sa il privesc! Cat de puternic e sentimentul de bucurie in suflet, efectiv il simti fizic, te sufoca, atunci cand puiul tau rade in hohote – cand stii ca ii e bine, ca e sanatos, ca se simte in siguranta si ca pentru el “viata-i dulce, mama”.


EN: This set of pictures with Vlad is one of my favorites. I can’t get enough of looking at him! The feeling of joy in your heart is so strong, that you literally feel it in your body, it leaves you out of breath, when your child laughs out loud- when you know that he’s doing great, that he’s healthy, that he feels safe and that life to him is “sweet”.

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La Multi Ani, Vlad! 5 ani

Azi, Vlad implineste 5 ani. Sa fii sanatos si fericit, sa ai motive sa razi mereu, si cand vei fi adult, sa ti-i aduci aminte pe parintii tai razand alaturi de tine.


EN: As of today, Vlad is 5 years old. May you always be healthy and happy, may you have reasons to laugh all the time, and when you’ ll be all grown up, may you remember your parents laughing with you.

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Sri Lanka (I)

Am avut de curand o discutie in familie si s-a votat in unanimitate ca cel mai bine de pana acum, din toate vacantele petrecute impreuna, ne-a fost in Sri Lanka. Pur si simplu ne-am indragostit de privelisti, de atmosfera prietenoasa a localnicilor, de tuktuk, de plaje, de plantatiile de ceai… de tot. Pregatiti-va pentru multe serii de fotografii…


EN: During a recent family talk, it was unanimously decided that, out of all the vacations we have spent together so far, we had the best time in Sri Lanka. We just fell in love with the views, the friendly atmosphere of the locals, the Tuktuk, the beaches, the tea plantations…everything. Prepare to see many sets of pictures….

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As fi inventat caruciorul cu o roata patrata…

In jurul meu, mame de bebelusi, mame cu cearcane adanci, ma intreaba disperate despre cum reuseam sa il adorm pe Vlad cand era mic. De fiecare data imi aduc aminte razand de 2 tehnici de mare efect in cazul nostru. Una dintre ele mai ca mi-ar fi putut aduce un brevet de inventator.

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De ziua lui

Azi e ziua lui Radu. Iubire, asta e cuvantul. Asta e ce simt. Si multa recunostinta, pentru ca, in preajma lui, Vlad si cu mine ne simtim foarte iubiti si protejati.


EN: Today is Radu’s birthday. Love, this is the word. This is what I feel. And lots of gratitude, because, around him, Vlad and I feel very loved and protected.

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Moon Party 6 ani

Pe 6 feb Moon a implinit 6 ani. Si pentru ca odata cu aceasta aniversarea Moon a pasit pe taram american, petrecerea a avut tema “Route 66”.


EN: On the 6th of February, Moon turned 6. And since with this anniversary Moon has walked on American soil, the theme of the party was “Route 66”.

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6 ani Moon by Dana Rogoz

Maine, 6 feb, Moon implineste 6 ani! 6 ani de la lansarea plicului cu fete detasabile. 6 ani in care am sarbatorit pe rand lansarea Lumanarilor cu Ravas, a Parfumului, a Tricourilor, a Hanoracelor sau a Broselor, produse care au bucurat mii de oameni. Si vestea cea mare la aceasta aniversare este ca Moon ajunge acum in …. America!


EN: Tomorrow, February 6th, Moon will be 6 years old! 6 years since the launch of the clutch with detachable covers. 6 years during which we have celebrated the Fortune Candles, Perfume, T-shirts, Hoodies or Brooches, products which have brought joy to thousands of people. And the big news on this anniversary is that Moon also goes to…America!

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