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(Nici)Unul dintre noi (n-)ar trebui sa se schimbe

(Nici)Unul dintre noi (n-)ar trebui sa se schimbe

UPDATE! Avem o castigatoare!

Am facut tragerea la sorti si castigatoarea este:

alina diana

Buna Dana, Imi place mult aceasta tinuta si sper sa am sansa sa o recream impreuna:D×1024.jpg

Felicitari, Alina! Te voi contacat numaidecat pe mail. Multumesc tuturor pentru participare!

De cate ori ti s-a intamplat sa te imbraci in ceva casual si sa te intalnesti cu o prietena care purta cam aceeasi tinuta? Te invit la un concurs prin care si tu si eu ne vom imbraca la fel!


EN: How many times did it happen to you to wear something casual and meet a friend wearing about the same thing? I invite you to a contest, through which you and me can dress alike!

Mie mi se intampla aproape de fiecare data cand port niste piese pe care sunt convinsa ca le are  absolut toata lumea in garderoba: un tricou in dungi, o camasa cadrilata rosie, o pereche de blugi boyfriend rupti sau o camasa din denim. Iar daca combin oricare dintre aceste piese super comune, sansele sa ma intalnesc cu cineva care a ales exact aceeasi combinatie ca si mine cresc si cresc si cresc, pana devin realitate.


Sigur vi s-a intamplat si voua de cateva ori, insa mereu exista cateva elemente diferite care dau unicitate tinutei: o brosa, un pulover, o esarfa sau o pereche de pantofi. Fiecare isi lasa amprenta asupra tinutei pe care o poarta in felul sau, iar eu exact asta va invit sa facem: sa ne imbracam la fel, apoi sa ne personalizam tinutele!

Luna lui Mai Mult aduce la AFI Cotroceni o gramada de surprize! Magazinele dau startul campaniei 1+1 prin care fiecare persoana care cumpara un produs inscris la promotie primeste inca unul gratuit ori ceva “Mai Mult”, adica un voucher cadou! Ceea ce o sa va faca shoppingul nu doar interesant ci si super- fun! Inchipuiti-va ca iesiti la cumparaturi si va luati exact acelasi outfit ca si prietena voastra! In mod sigur va veti inspira una pe alta si veti crea mult mai multe tinute decat v-ati putea gandi initial!

Iar acum vine partea interesanta: AFI Cotroceni imi da posibilitatea de a alege o castigatoare cu care voi iesi la shopping si voi profita de campania 1+1. Tot ce trebuie sa faceti este sa imi lasati in sectiunea de comentarii link catre o fotografie cu o tinuta pe care vreti sa o recream impreuna. Eu voi alege prin tragere la sorti castigatoarea, si impreuna ne vom face de cap la shopping!

Oricum, cred ca pana cand terminam cumparaturile o sa fim de parere ca #NoneOfUsShouldChange! Abia astept sa va vad propunerile de tinute! Va astept mesajele cu linkurile pentru concurs pana pe 26 Mai. Succes!





Toate imaginile din articol via

P.S.: și Moon by Dana Rogoz s-a alăturat campaniei Luna Lui Mai Mult, așadar cine cumpăra pana la sfârșitul lunii mai un plic Moon, primește un voucher cadou de 50 Ron.

EN: It happens to me almost every time I am wearing some items which I am sure absolutely everyone has in their wardrobe: a striped t-shirt, a red checkers shirt, a pair of ripped boyfriend jeans or a denim shirt. And if I combine any of this super common items, chances that I will meet someone who has chosen the exact same combination are growing and growing and growing, until they become reality.

I am sure it has happened to you a couple of times too, but there are always a few different elements which make the outfit unique: a broche, a sweater, a scarf or a pair of shoes. Everyone leaves their fingerprint on the outfit they are wearing, and this is exactly what I invite you to do: let’s dress alike, and then personalize our outfits!  

The Month of More brings many surprises to AFI Cotroceni! The shops have started the campaign 1+1, which means that every person buying a product that is in the competition will receive another one for free or something “More”, like a gift voucher!  Which will not only make your shopping more interesting but also super fun! Imagine you are going shopping and buying the exact same outfit as your friend! You will surely inspire each other to create more outfits than you initially thought of!

And now comes the interesting part: AFI Cotroceni gave me the opportunity to choose a winner who I will go shopping with, to enjoy the campaign 1+1. All you have to do is leave a comment with a link to a photo with an outfit which you would like for us to recreate together. I will randomly choose the winner, and together we will go crazy while shopping!

Anyway, I think that until we will finish shopping, we’ll say that #NoneOfUsShouldChange! I can hardly wait for your outfit proposals! I am expecting your messages until May 26th. Good luck!  

P.S.: Moon by Dana Rogoz has also joined the campaign The Month of More, so who buys a Moon clutch by the end of May, receives a 50 Ron gift voucher.  


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