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NEW MOON: Flowers & Newspaper

NEW MOON: Flowers & Newspaper

Azi va prezint doua genti cu fete detasabile noi: Moon Flowers si Moon Newspaper. Spre deosebire de modelul clasic, acestea includ un lant detasabil cu maner de piele, astfel incat sa poata fi purtate cat mai mult timp si in cat mai multe combinatii. LE ADOR!


EN: Today I am presenting to you two new clutches with detachable covers: Moon Flowers and Moon Newspaper. As opposed to the classic model, these include a detachable chain with leather handle, so it can be worn for as long and in as many combinations as possible. I LOVE THEM!

Nu pot sa spun care imi place mai mult. Va las pe voi sa alegeti. Si daca imi spuneti care este modelul preferat – Moon Flowers sau Moon Newspaper – printr-un comentariu la aceasta postare, aveti sansa sa il si castigati, prin tragere la sorti. Ce pot sa spun este ca fiecare in parte da un plus de personalitate oricarei tinute. Iar lantul cu maner din piele, care are si o carabina special pentru a fi dat jos cu usurinta cand se doreste ca geanta sa fie purtata ca plic simplu, mi se pare ca intruneste doua calitati esentiale: chic si comod. In plus, daca veti comanda geanta, in buzunarul din interior veti gasi si un anou de chei, care sa va ajute sa va scurtati lantul si sa puteti purta plicul doar cu manerul de piele, ca in imaginea cu tinuta cu rochie alba. O sa va arat intr-o postare viitoare cum puteti face asta foarte usor.

Am testat Moon Flowers si Moon Newspaper cu mai multe fete detasabile existente, astfel incat pe magazinul online sa puteti comanda direct geanta cu 2 fete detasabile care i se potrivesc, dar care sa se si asorteze cu garderoba voastra. Alegand mixul, veti beneficia si de o reducere fata de pretul acelorasi produse comandate separat.

Moon Flowers (350 lei cu lantul detasabil auriu inclus in pret):

Moon Flowers Mix 1 (400 lei, plic Moon Flowers cu lant auriu si 2 fete detasabile – Dusty Pink si Baby Blue):

Moon Flowers Mix 2 (400 lei, Plic Moon Flowers cu lant auriu si 2 fete detasabile – Picaturi Aurii si Velur Albastru):

Moon Newspaper (350 lei, cu lantul detasabil argintiu inclus in pret):

Moon Newspaper Mix 1 (400 lei, plic Moon Newspaper cu lant argintiu si 2 fete detasabile – Denim Piele si Ciclam):

Moon Newspaper Mix 2 (400 lei, plic Moon Newspaper cu lant argintiu si 2 fete detasabile – Sarpe Metalic Bleu si Dune Negre ):

Sigur, acestea sunt doar cateva propuneri, cele doua modele putand fi purtate cu multe alte fete detasabile Moon existente, dar si cu altele care vor urma. Va las voua placerea de a testa alte combinatii. Deci, care e geanta voastra preferata? Va astept raspunsurile timp de o saptamana. Nu va grabiti. Inainte de a alege, e musai sa urmariti si acest video de prezentare:

Moon este oglinda ta.

EN: I can’t say which one I like better. I let you decide. And if you tell what your favorite model is- Moon Flowers or Moon Newspaper – leaving me a comment to this post, you have the chance to win it. What I can say is that each one gives that extra personality to any outfit. And the chain with leather handle, which can be easily taken down when you want to wear it as a plain clutch, I think has two essential qualities: chic and comfortable. Plus, if you order the bag, in the inside pocket you’ll find a key ring, which will help you shorten the chain and to wear the clutch with just the leather handle, just like in the picture with the white dress outfit. I’ll show you in a future post how easy it is to do that.

I have tried out Moon Flowers and Moon Newspaper with many of the existing detachable covers, so that on the online shop you can order the bag with the 2 detachable covers that suit it best, but which also match your wardrobe. By choosing the mix, you’ll also get a discount from the price of the same items if you ordered them separately.

Moon Flowers (350 lei with the detachable golden chain included)

Moon Flowers Mix 1 (400 lei, clutch Moon Flowers with golden chain and 2 detachable covers- Dusty Pink and Baby Blue)

Moon Flowers Mix 2 (400 lei, clutch Moon Flowers with golden chain and 2 detachable covers- Golden Drops and Blue Velour)

Moon Newspaper (350 lei, with the detachable silver chain included)

Moon Newspaper Mix 1 (400 lei, clutch Moon Newspaper with silver chain and 2 detachable covers- Leather Denim and Fuchsia)

Moon Newspaper Mix 2 (400 lei, clutch Moon Newspaper with silver chain and 2 detachable covers- Blue Metallic Snake and Black Dunes 

Of course, these are just a few proposals, the 2 models can be worn with many other existing Moon detachable covers, but also with others which will follow. I’ll leave you the pleasure of trying out the combinations. So, what’s your favorite bag? I expect your answers for a week. Take your time. Before you choose, you have to watch the presentation video above.

                                          Moon is your mirror.


  • Madalina/ 07.08.2017Reply

    Moon Flowers!

  • Alexandra/ 07.08.2017Reply

    Moon Flowers !

  • Simina/ 07.08.2017Reply

    Moon newspaper ❤❤❤

  • Valentina/ 07.08.2017Reply

    Moon flowers

  • Patrisia/ 07.08.2017Reply

    Moon Flowers !

  • Amy/ 07.08.2017Reply

    Moon Flowers arata demential! Este foarte frumoasa si vesela, se potriveste cu orice tinuta de vara. Love it, love it!

  • Alexandra/ 07.08.2017Reply

    Toate combinatiile sunt minunate,insa Moon Newspaper mi se pare cea mai chic si fancy.O poti asorta cu usurinta si in timpul liber si la birou.

  • Alina/ 07.08.2017Reply

    Moon Flowers!

  • Gutu Mariana/ 07.08.2017Reply

    Moon Flowers Mix 1! <3

  • Monica E/ 07.08.2017Reply

    moon flowers 🙂

  • Gabriela Raluca/ 07.08.2017Reply

    Moon flowers imi inspira bucuria verii, asa ca e preferatul meu:D

  • Miruna/ 07.08.2017Reply

    Moon Newspaper!

  • Diana/ 07.08.2017Reply

    Moon flowers

  • Daria/ 07.08.2017Reply

    Amandoua arata genial dar Moon newspaper e preferata mea ❤

  • Andrada Barbulescu/ 07.08.2017Reply

    Vai, dar Moon Newspaper mi-a castigat inima. Îmi aduce aminte de Carrie Bradshaw în rochia aceea superba din serial. Pur si simplu il ador!

  • Adriana/ 07.08.2017Reply

    Moon Newspaper !!!

  • Madalian/ 07.08.2017Reply

    Moon flowers este varianta mea preferata! Felicitari pentru aceasta idee fresh!

  • Diana Nechita/ 07.08.2017Reply

    Moon Flowers

  • Anamaria T/ 07.08.2017Reply

    Moon Flowers

  • Emanuela/ 07.08.2017Reply

    Moon flowers 🙂

  • Alexandra/ 07.08.2017Reply

    Moon flowers este preferata mea!

  • Pricop Catalina/ 07.08.2017Reply

    Moon flowers e bestiala

  • Elena/ 07.08.2017Reply

    Moon flowers este minunata…o armonie de culori! Este preferata mea. Multa bafta cu filmul la festivalul de la Sarajevo!

  • AlexandraB/ 07.08.2017Reply

    Moon Flowers e o adevarata explozie de bucurie si caldura. O ador. E foarte chic si feminina, Preferata mea.
    Recunosc ca si Moon Newspaper e foarte frumoasa. E altceva!

  • Ana Maria/ 07.08.2017Reply

    Moon Flowers!

  • Cristiana/ 07.08.2017Reply

    Moon Flowers

  • varga/ 07.08.2017Reply

    Moon Newspaper este pe placul meu.

  • Alexandra Voican/ 07.08.2017Reply

    Moon flowers

  • Daria/ 07.08.2017Reply

    Moinești flowers

  • Daria/ 07.08.2017Reply

    Moon flowers

  • Cristina Nicolae/ 07.08.2017Reply

    Moon Newspaper Mix 2 <3

  • Andreea/ 07.08.2017Reply

    Moon newspaper

  • Mihaela/ 07.08.2017Reply

    Moon Newspaper e genial, cadoul ideal pentru un jurnalist! 🙂

  • Beatrice/ 07.08.2017Reply

    Daca nu castig, oricum il voi cumpara!!! MOON FLOWERS, arata epic!!!

  • Claudia/ 07.08.2017Reply

    Moon Newspaper

  • Flavia Tache/ 07.08.2017Reply

    Moon Newspaper Mix 2 !!

  • Oana-Carmen/ 07.08.2017Reply

    Moon Flowers! E adorabila!

  • Ralu/ 07.08.2017Reply

    Felicitari!!! Nici nu stiu care ar fi pe primul loc pentru ca sunt diferite si le-as purta pe amandoua!Sa zicem MOON FLOWERS! 🙂

  • Andreea/ 07.08.2017Reply

    Moon Flowers, cu siguranta!

  • Patricia/ 07.08.2017Reply

    Moon Flowers Mix 2

  • Denisa/ 07.08.2017Reply

    Moon flowers categoric

  • Iulia/ 07.08.2017Reply

    Superbe amândouă, dar Moon Flowers m-a cucerit! ?

  • Stefana/ 07.08.2017Reply

    Moon Flowers 😀 Pentru ca e viu colorata 😀

  • Alina/ 07.08.2017Reply

    iar dintre cele 2 mixuri: MOON FLOWERS MIX 1

  • Giulia V./ 07.08.2017Reply

    Moon flowers mix 1 ??

  • Alexandra/ 07.08.2017Reply

    eu m-am îndrăgostit de moon flowers? Felicitări pentru noile modele!?

  • Roxy/ 07.08.2017Reply

    Woow ce surpriza minunata!Nu ma asteptam sa apara modele cu totul altfel ??.Felicitari!!!Imi plac ambele insa preferata mea este MOON NEWSPAPER ???

  • Irina T/ 07.08.2017Reply

    Moon Flowers!

  • Petronela/ 07.08.2017Reply

    Moon flowers ?

  • Denisa/ 07.08.2017Reply

    Moon Flowerssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss 😀

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