Moon Party 6 ani
Pe 6 feb Moon a implinit 6 ani. Si pentru ca odata cu aceasta aniversarea Moon a pasit pe taram american, petrecerea a avut tema “Route 66”.
EN: On the 6th of February, Moon turned 6. And since with this anniversary Moon has walked on American soil, the theme of the party was “Route 66”.
Ne-am dat intalnire in cel mai inalt restaurant din Bucuresti, pentru a fi mai aproape de Luna. Un restaurant cu design american, in acord cu tema petrecerii. Am privit apusul in timp ce ascultam recitalul de pian de langa noi. Si am povestit, si am tot povestit, fiecare in parte despre viata, dezamagiri, sperante, temeri… pana cand ne-a prins noaptea. Nici nu stim cand au trecut orele. Cred ca a fost o experienta autentica pentru fiecare dintre noi.
Le pregatisem invitatelor mai multe intrebari, sub forma unor ravase Moon – aceeasi forma cu cele din lumanarile Moon. Doar ca intrebarile te impingeau sa ai curaj si sa spui mai multe despre viata ta, decat ai face-o in orice alta prima intalnire. Si chiar s-a intamplat ceva… magic. Raspunsurile sincere ne-au demonstrat ca, desi eram 13 femei cu vieti complet diferite, aveam aceleasi nemultumiri, aceleasi nevoi si, in esenta, aceleasi dorinte.
Aceasta intalnire a fost o noua confirmare a faptului ca, datorita blogului si datorita Moon, am reusit sa adun o comunitate de femei puternice, inteligente, sensibile, femei pe care de cand le intalnesti stii ca ti-ar putea fi prietene. Spun asta intr-un context care, recunosc, ma sperie. Ma uit la televizor, pe Facebook, pe Instagram, si de foarte multe ori ma simt pierduta, complet dezorientata. Nu inteleg ce se intampla, cine sunt oamenii, ce fel de viata au de fapt, ce valori?! Nu inteleg agresivitatea, nici macar genul de umor… ma trezesc efectiv facand parte dintr-o nisa, pe care nici macar nu am cautat-o constient. Dar iata ca am ajuns sa ma simt in afara curentului. Si de multe ori ma intreb cat de mare e nisa asta a mea? Cui ma adresez? Cati oameni mai gandesc ca mine? Si, iata, ca suntem mai multi. Invitatele mele erau din acelasi aluat cu mine, iar asta m-a bucurat nespus. Caci acum cand scriu si exact cui scriu. Sigur aceasta e cea mai mare reusita a mea de cand activez in mediul online: comunitatea creata.
Va multumesc ca sunteti aici, ca ma sustineti si ca prezenta voastra imi confirma ca sunt inca pe drumul cel bun.
In poze port: bluza si pantofi Acne Studios, pantaloni H&M. Fotografiile au fost realizate la NOR Sky Casual, iar tortul Moon a fost realizat de Grace Couture Cakes.
EN: We met in the highest restaurant in Bucharest, so we could be closer to the Moon. A restaurant with an American design, in tune with the theme of the party. We watched the sunset while listening to the piano recital next to us. And we talked, and we talked, each of us about their own life, disappointments, hopes, fears… until it was night. We didn’t know how the time passed. I think it was an authentic experience for all of us.
I had prepared lots of questions for my guests, in the form of Moon fortune cookies- the same as those in the Moon candles. But these questions pushed you to have the courage to say more about your life, than you would on any other first date. And something truly…magical happened. The hones answers proved to us that, even though we were 13 women with completely different lives, we had the same disappointments, needs and, basically, the same desires.
This gettogether was another confirmation that, thanks to this blog and to Moon, I have managed to gather a community of women who are strong, intelligent, sensitive, women which you know could be your friends, as soon as you meet them. I am saying this in a context which I admit is pretty scary to me. I am watching TV, or seeing on Facebook, Instagram things that make me feel lost, completely disorientated. I don’t understand what is going on, who these people are, what kind of lives to they have, what are their values?! I don’t understand aggression, not even their humor… I find myself being part of a niche, which I wasn’t even looking for. But here I am feeling outside of the current. And I often wonder how big is this niche of mine? Who am I talking to? How many people think like myself? And here we are, more of us. My guests where the same as me, and that brought me lots of joy. Because now I know exactly who I am writing to. Surely this must be my biggest achievement since being online: the community created.
Thank you for being here, for supporting me and for allowing your presence to confirm that I am still on the right track.
In the pictures I am wearing: Acne Studios top and shoes, H&M pants. The pictures were taken at NOR Sky Casual, and the Moon cake was made by Grace Couture Cakes.
Oana-Maria/ 14.02.2019
M-am simtit foarte bine alaturi de Dana si fetele stranse in jurul ei. A creat o comunitate foarte frumoasa, cu valori adevarate si asa, cele care suntem mamici reusim sa ne crestem copiii cum ar trebui in aceate vremuri tulburi. Sunt mandra ca sunt prietena ta. Valorile se atrag, daruim lucruri bune prin ceea ce facem in jurul nostru si tind sa cred, cel putin asa sper ca lumea va deveni mai buna! Sa nu ne pierdem speranta!
Roxy/ 14.02.2019
A fost superrr!Dar sincer nici nu ma astepta la altceva,de fiecare data faci ceva frumos ?.Nu as mai fi plecat acasa?.Locatia de vis ?.Cat despre tort,Doamnee!!Cel mai bun pe care l-am mancat.Felicitari celor de la Grace Couture Cake!!
PS. Multumim si lui Radu pentru poze si Laaa multi multi ani,Moon!!!
Anna/ 14.02.2019
Mulțumim pentru invitație Dana !
A fost o seara minunata !
La multi ani Moon!!
Ps: ..Da da si tortul a fost delicios !..
Sorina/ 18.02.2019
A fost foarte dragut ca ne-am reintalnit pt Moon Party, un motiv de bucurie si mai ales de implinire pentru tine?!!!
Sa fii mereu ’inspirationala’!
Numai bucurii datorate lui Moon! Sa ne revedem intr-un alt cadru de poveste si la anul??!!!
PS: inca astept pozele ☺️