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La prima ora

La prima ora

Cum te simti cand te trezesti dimineata, te uiti pe fereastra si vezi cum prima zapada a acoperit copacii, masinile, strada…? Si apoi fugi in bucatarie si, inainte sa se scoale copilul si sa inceapa agitatia, savurezi prima cafea a zilei. Cum te simti in momentul acela, la prima cafea a zilei, de la prima zapada a anului?


EN: How does it make you feel when you get up in the morning, look out the window and see how the first snow has covered the trees, cars, street…? And then you run to the kitchen and, before the child wakes up and the hustle begins, you savor the first cup of coffee of the day. How do you feel in that moment, on your first cup of coffee of the day, for the first snow of the year?

Acestea au fost realmente cateva fotografii “furate” de Radu, in timp ce savuram un latte pe terasa casei noastre, inainte ca stratul subtire de zapada sa se topească de tot. Era un sentiment tare placut si parca imi doream ca latte-ul ala sa se termine mai greu, sa pot lungi starea de bine cat mai mult.

Am mai vorbit despre espressorul meu Philips 5000 LatteGo, care este cel mai usor de folosit si curatat espressor automat din Romania. Dar m-am gandit sa revin la el si sa va spun ca ar putea fi o idee minunata de cadou de sarbatori. Ca tot a ineput sa ninga si sa rasune colindele in reclamele de la televizor si prin mall-uri. Sa bei impreuna cu partenerul sau cu prietenii o cafea buna in timp ce afara ninge… eu zic sa vi-l treceti repede in scrisoarea catre Mosul.

Ca argumente ca e un cadou de familie perfect va spun ca:

– are sistemul de lapte cu cea mai rapida curatare datorita carafei detasabile, formata din doua piese easy to use, fara furtun, tuburi sau piese ascunse, putand fi curatat la robinet in doar 15 secunde

– poti sa reglezi gradul de macinare, lungimea sau concentratia cafelei si sa salvezi individual alegerea facuta, iar data viitoare sa te bucuri de cafeaua ta la o atingere de buton

– rasnita patentata, din ceramica 100%, previne supraincalzirea boabelor in timpul rasnirii. Astfel, te vei bucura de 20.000 de cafele de cea mai buna calitate.

– prepara 6 varietati de cafea fara efort, din boabe proaspat macinate!

In timp ce scriu acum despre el, mi s-a facut groaznic de pofta sa imi mai prepar un latte. Si cum am tot citit in ultima vreme o multime de stiri care spuneau ca 3 – 4 cesti de cafea pe zi pot aduce chiar beneficii starii de sanatate, zic sa nu o mai lungesc, sa las putin deoparte laptopul, pentru a ma intoarce la el ceva mai tarziu, cand va voi raspunde la comentarii, dar cu ceasca de cafea langa mine.

In poze port: pulover H&M, blugi Asos White, botine & Other Stories.

Acest articol este sponsorizat de Philips. Va multumesc ca sustineti brandurile care sustin acest blog.

EN: These photos were literally “stolen” by Radu, while I was savoring a latte on our terrace, before the thin layer of snow melted completely. It was a very pleasant feeling and I wanted that latte to never end, so I could extend the feeling for as long as possible.

I have talked about my Philips 5000 LatteGo espresso machine, which is the most easily to use and clean automatic coffee machine in Romania. But I thought I should come back to it and tell you that it might make a wonderful gift for someone. Since it’s already snowing and we can hear Christmas carols in the tv and mall commercials. Drinking a good cup of coffee with your partner or friends while it’s snowing outside… I say you should put it on the letter to Santa.

I have the following arguments that it would make the perfect family gift:

– it has the milk system with the fastest cleaning due to the detachable mug, made from two easy to use pieces, without hose, tubes or hidden parts, and it can be cleaned under the faucet in just 15 seconds.  

– you can set the grinding degree, the length or the concentration of the coffee and save your individual choice, and next time enjoy your coffee at the touch of a button.

– the patented grinder, 100% ceramics, prevents the overheating of the beans during grinding. So, you will be able to enjoy 20.000 coffees of the highest quality.  

– it prepares 6 coffee varieties without any effort, from freshly ground beans!

As I am writing about it, I feel the need to prepare another latte for me. And since lately I have been reading a lot of news about how 3-4 cups of coffee every day can bring health benefits, I say I shouldn’t waste anymore time, that I should put my laptop aside and come back to it later, when I will answer your comments, but with the coffee cup next to me.

In the pictures I am wearing: H&M sweater, Asos White jeans, & Other Stories ankle boots.

This article is sponsored by Philips. Thank you supporting the brands which support this blog.

  • Amy/ 21.11.2018Reply

    Am un espressor de la Philips, putin mai vechi decat cel pe care il recomanzi tu, si pot spune ca inca sunt multumita de el. Ce-i drept, n-as spune nu noului model, pentru ca arata muuult mai bine si imi imaginez ca este si mai performant. Da, un espressor automat chiar reprezinta o idee buna de cadou, daca te tine buzunarul, evident. 😀 Tot la idei bune de cadou pentru casa pot include si aspiratorul robot Xiaomi , un model pe care eu il folosesc de ceva timp, o adevarata minune pentru care ii multumesc celui care l-a inventat. Imi face viata mai usoara, chiar cred ca orice femeie ar trebui sa aiba masina de spalat vase/rufe su robot aspirator. 😀

  • Ewa Macherowska/ 21.11.2018Reply

    Perfect look!

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