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La Multi Ani, Vlad! (part V)

La Multi Ani, Vlad! (part V)

La multi ani, doamnelor! Sa fiti iubite!

EN: Happy anniversary, ladies! May you be loved!

30 34 38 40353741Astazi, chiar de 8 Martie, se incheie pe blog aceasta serie de imagini “mama & fiu”. Una asemanatoare va mai exista abia la anul, tot la MNAC! La un simplu click distanta puteti revedea seria “La Multi Ani, Vlad!”, cu ocazia implinirii varstei de 2 ani: part I, part II, part III, part IV. Partea V e mai sus, iar descrierea tinutelor noastre e mai jos…

Dragile mele, va urez sa fiti fericite si curajoase, mereu! Meritati tot ce e mai bun pe lume!

Si pentru ca v-am promis ca blogul va avea mai mult continut video, va las si de aceasta data un scurt filmulet, in care puteti vedea o parte dintre tinutele noastre, “in miscare” de data aceasta:

[youtube Nra40g1Ehhs]

EN: Today, exactly on the 8th March, I hereby end this series of “Mom& son” photos on the blog. We will have a similar one next year, also at MNAC! One click away you can see the series “Happy Birthday, Vlad!”, for his second birthday: part I, part II, part III, part IV. Part V is above and the description of our outfits below…

And because I promised that the blog will have more video content, this time you can see a short clip, with some of our outfits “on the move.”

In poze eu port: pulover si blugi Zara, bluza H&M, botine Zara. Vlad poarta pulover H&M, pantaloni Esprit, incaltamite Puma.

EN: In the photos I am wearing Zara sweater and jeans, H&M top, Zara boots. Vlad is wearing H&M sweater, Esprit pants, Puma shoes.


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