Feeric Fashion Week – First Look
Anul acesta am participat pentru prima oara in viata mea la Feeric Fashion Week, aflat deja la a 9-a editie, si am fost cu adevarat impresionata. Pana si Radu, care stiti bine ca nu e vreun Fashion Addict, a concluzionat ca e o “saptamana a modei” care ar trebui si mai intens promovata atat in tara, cat si in strainatate, pentru ca merita!
EN: This year, for the first time in my life, I have attended Feeric Fashion Week, already on its’ ninth edition, and I was truly impressed. Even Radu, who you know all too well isn’t a Fashion Addict, concluded that it is a “week of fashion”, which should be promoted more intensely, both in the country and abroad, because it deserves it!
Mi-am dorit foarte mult sa particip anul acesta la Feeric Fashion Week, asa ca, printre alte plecari prin sau din tara, i-am facut loc in program si unei calatorii la Sibiu. Si nu am mers sigura, ci cu Radu, cu Vlad, si cu Rulota Moon dupa noi. Formula completa, ce sa mai!
Daca nu as fi ajuns sa vad cu ochii mei cateva dintre show-urile designerilor romani si internationali invitati anul acesta la Feeric Fashion Week Sibiu, nu as fi crezut niciodata ca acest eveniment poate fi unul atat de mare! In primul rand ca multe dintre show-uri se desfasurau in locatii cu totul inedite si, in acelasi timp, reprezentative pentru Sibiu si imprejurimi: de la curtea Palatului Brukenthal din Avrig, la Depoul CFR din Sibiu – direct pe macazul trenurilor, de la biserici si strazi importante ale orasului, pana la cusca leilor din gradina zoologica. Aproape ca functiona la fel de bine si ca un traseu turistic! Sunt convinsa ca jurnalistii de moda straini care au fost prezenti la toate show-urile, si care au vazut astfel unele dintre cele mai importante obiective turistice din aceasta zona superba a tarii, vor transmite mai departe mesajul ca tara noastra merita vizitata.
Mi-am dat seama pe loc ca tot ce au reusit organizatorii sa realizeze cu acest eveniment este extrem de dificil, si astfel, merita toata lauda. Repet, am fost impresionata. Nu va mai spun ca in ultima seara a Feeric Fashion Week, in Piata Mica, s-au adunat sute de oameni sa vada prezentarile de moda si sa urmareasca implicit modelele care defilau pe o pasarela spectaculoasa montata paralel cu Podul Minciunilor, la aceeasi inaltime.
Mergand cu Vlad in aceasta calatorie, nu am putut onora toate show-urile. Ajungeam cel mult la unul singur in timpul zilei si restul la cele de noapte, dupa ce il lasam pe Vlad sa doarma cu Radu in apartamentul nostru inchiriat din centrul Sibiului. Dar cand ajungeam cu el la show-uri, pai chiar ca un show dadeam si noi 3! Vlad e intr-o perioada in care este foarte solicitant, fuge continuu, se catara, se arunca, se loveste… si cu greu i-am facut fata Radu si cu mine. Ca sa intru la o prezentare de moda, trebuia sa astept fix pana in ultimul moment inainte de inceperea ei afara cu Vlad, apoi sa imi aleg un loc cat mai aproape de iesire, ca in cazul in care primesc vreun mesaj de SOS de la Radu, care il intretinea afara, sa pot iesi fara sa deranjez. Ce primul rand?! Un loc cat mai in spate, dar cat mai aproape de iesire, ala era targetul meu! Noroc ca o prezentare nu dura mai mult de cateva minute… ca altfel cred ca Radu ar fi ajuns sa imi ceara sa vada el defilarile, doar ca sa pot eu ramane de straja cu Vlad.
O sa va arat imagini si cu Rulota Moon din curtea Palatului Brukenthal din Avrig cat de curand, caci am organizat acolo o intalnire foarte draguta cu bloggeri, fotografi si jurnalisti. Si Vlad, desigur, care a umplut conturile de Snapchat si Instagram ale invitatilor cu miscarile lui haioase. Trebuie doar sa mai aveti putina rabdare…
In poze port: top Zara, rochie voal Parlor by Veronica Zaharia, sort H&M, tenisi Superga, bratara picior Bon Bijou & Alexandra Caspruf.
P.S.: Am foarte multe postari restante – de la Milano, de la Sibiu, din Germania, ba chiar si din Noua Zeelanda. Abia astept sa vi le arat pe toate!
EN: I really wanted to attend this years’ Feeric Fashion Week, so, among other trips in the country or abroad, I scheduled a trip to Sibiu. And I didn’t go alone, but with Radu, Vlad and the Moon Trailer. The complete formula!
If I hadn’t seen myself some of the Romanian and international designer shows invited this year to Feeric Fashion Week Sibiu, I never would have believed that this event can be this big! First of all most of the shows were in really special locations and, at the same time, representative for Sibiu and its surroundings: from the Brukenthal Palace in Avrig, to the railway station in Sibiu – right on the train tracks, to churches and important streets of the city, to the lions’ den at the zoo. It worked almost as well as a tourist road! I am convinced that the foreign fashion journalists who were present for all the shows, and who have seen some of the most important tourist attractions from that beautiful part of the country, will send out the message that our country is worth visiting.
I realized right away that what the organizers have managed to do with this event is extremely difficult, and therefor they deserve all praise. I repeat, I was impressed. Not to mention that on the last night at Feeric Fashion Week, in Piata Mica, hundreds of people have gathered to see the fashion shows and to watch the models on a spectacular runway, set up parallel to the Bridge of Liars, at the same height.
Since we went with Vlad on this trip, I couldn’t attend all shows. I got to see one during the day and the rest at night, after Vlad was sleeping with Radu in our rented apartment in the center of Sibiu. But when I went with him to the shows, then the 3 of us would steel the show! Vlad is in a phase where he is highly demanding, running all the time, climbing, throwing himself, hurting himself…Radu and I could hardly keep up with him. To go to fashion show, I had to wait until outside with Vlad until the last minute before it started, then I had to choose a seat as close to the exit as possible, so that in case of an emergency text from Radu, who was entertaining him outside, I could get out without disturbing. What front row?! A seat in the back, but as near to the exit as possible, that was my target! Luckily a fashion show didn’t last more than a couple of minutes…otherwise Radu would have probably asked to see the fashion shows himself, just so I can stay and guard Vlad.
Soon I will show you pictures with the Moon Trailer at the Brukenthal Palace in Avrig, because I organized a very nice meeting with bloggers, photographers and journalists. And Vlad, of course, who took over the Snapchat and Instagram accounts of the guests, with his funny moves. You just need to have some patience…
In the pictures I am wearing: Zara top, Parlor by Veronica Zaharia dress, H&M shorts, Superga sneakers.
P.S.: I have many posts left to publish- from Milan, Sibiu, Germany, even from New Zealand. I can hardly wait to show them all to you!
Roxy/ 31.07.2016
Sunt nerăbdătoare sa le vad.Imi place mult acesta tinuta,da un aer asa fresh,este foarte lejera.
Modina/ 31.07.2016
Foarte utile informatiile, pun pe lista acest eveniment. Astept cu nerabdare pozele. Pupici, Dana!
Denisa/ 31.07.2016
Foarte frumos aranjamentul de langa Rulota Moon 🙂
Ev/ 31.07.2016
idareyoutobefashion/ 31.07.2016
mariana/ 31.07.2016
Am observat un mic detaliu acela fiind bratara de la picior imi place mult !!!
Dana/ 31.07.2016
Da, am uitat sa scriu de unde e: Bon Bijou & Alexandra Caspruf.
maria alexandra/ 31.07.2016
Foarte draguta tinuta!
Teodora/ 31.07.2016
Apropo de intrebarea adresata pe Facebook, da, as avea curajul sa port o astfel de tinuta. Chiar imi place foarte mult si agreez ideea de a folosi o astfel de rochie precum cover up. Ce-i drept, nu cred ca m-as duce la munca asa, dar pentru un concert sau ceva similar, ar fi o optiune tare faina.
Magazin Insecticide/ 01.08.2016
Am vazut pe instagram poze cu aranjamentul de la alti bloggeri, atmosfera parea superba! De-abia astept sa vad ce postezi tu
Ana/ 01.08.2016
Dana, pozele sunt asa de frumoase!!!ce aparat folosesti?
Descude/ 01.08.2016
Am urmarit prin voi ce s-a intamplat acolo. Totul pare minunat!
Georgeta Dinca/ 01.08.2016
Foarte cool si lejer outfitul , imi place❤️
Adnana/ 02.08.2016
Asteptam pozele. Inclusiv cu Vlad! Interesanta tinuta ta!
Fashionable Streets/ 03.08.2016
in Germania cand ai fost si unde??! Ah ce am ratat, cred ca in perioada aia noi eram in concediu in Croatia, si am ramas in urma cu social media si noutatile din lumea bloggerilor 😀
Asteptam postarile!
Iulia's Corner/ 15.08.2016
Editia de anul acesta al FFW a fost dementiala si sunt convinsa ca a necesitat multa munca si foarte mult efort, dar rezultatul a fost cel putin memorabil. De abea astept pozele de la Rulota Moon! Ai dreptate, pe Vladut l-am vazut in aceeasi zi pe Snapchat :)!