Cateva idei la reducere
Sunt cateva piese care ti-ar prinde bine la aceasta tura de reduceri. Fie ca este vorba de rochita ideala pentru o nunta la care esti invitata in aceasta vara, fie ca e vorba de o pereche de pantofi pe care ti-i doreai insa costau mult prea mult, acesta este momentul sa iti pregatesti cardul. Aseaza-te comod, iesim la shopping online!
EN: There are a few items which are too good to miss on sales. Whether it’s the ideal dress for a wedding you are invited to this summer, or a pair of shoes you always wanted but were too expensive, this is the time to take out your credit card. Get comfy, we’re going online shopping!
In ultima vreme am preferat sa cumpar la reduceri lucruri de la branduri ceva mai scumpe care, în aceasta perioada, incep sa fie mai prietenoase cu bugetul. Sunt inca o multime de oferte la brandurile de mass-market- merita si ele in mod sigur o vizita!
Imi plac foarte mult hainele lungi care sunt in trend inca de anul trecut si, in caz ca nu ai apucat sa cumperi ceva, acum e un prilej bun. Sunt utile pentru ca dau un aer elegant oricarei tinute. Iar daca alegi sa le porti cu tenisi primesti puncte in plus pentru o doza sanatoasa de coolness.
Tenisi Adidas X Raf Simmons, pulover Only, sacou H&M, borseta Anna Smith, ceas Komono.
Orice ar spune unii, tenisii nu pleaca nicaieri. Fie ca mergi pe un model simplu, alb, sau daca alegi ceva colorat, ai grija doar la comoditate. Daca este cel mai mic lucru care te deranjeaza, cauta o alta pereche pentru ca tenisii trebuie sa fie in primul rand comozi.
Un sacou versatil in acest sezon este cel la 2 randuri. Fie ca este in carouri micute, fie ca este din tesatura tip herringbone sau un negru simplu, in mod sigur il vei purta o data la cateva zile. In plus, daca are si un pret bun (am gasit ceva sub 60 de lei!) nu o sa-i poti rezista.
Botine H&M, jeans Only, cardigan, pulover Miss Selfridges, ochelari Le Specs.
Camasa cu maneci un pic prea lungi si in dungi este una dintre piesele cele mai hot pentru aceasta primavara, asa ca nu ai cum sa o ratezi la reduceri. O poti purta conventional sau o poti stiliza in feluri cat mai interesante si sexy- pe mine de exemplu ma inspira ideea de a o deschide mult la nasturii din fata si de a o rasfrange peste umeri.
Nu uita de botine, sunt o solutie perfecta pentru a adauga un aer urban unei tinute care risca sa devina plictisitoare. Poti incerca o varianta lucioasa dar eleganta sau poti sa mergi pe ceva complet nebun, precum niste botine de lurex!
Iar daca ti-a mai ramas un picut de buget pentru reduceri, cauta acele piese care sunt interesante si neconventionale.
Pantofi Delpozo, rochie H&M, bomber H&M, palton Dorothy Perkins, ceas Fossil.
EN: Lately I have preferred buying things from more expensive brands on sales, since they are friendlier on the budget in this time. There are also many offers on mass-market brands- they are also worth a visit!
I really like oversized coats which have been in trend since last year and, in case you didn’t buy one yet, now is a good time. They are useful because they give an elegant flair to any outfit. And if you choose to wear them with sneakers, you get extra credit points for a healthy dose of coolness.
No matter what some might say, sneakers aren’t going anywhere. Whether you go for the plain white model, or you choose something more colored, pay attention only that they are comfortable. If there is even the smallest thing that bothers you, search for another pair because sneakers have to be first and foremost comfortable.
A versatile blazer this season is the one with 2 sets of buttons. Whether it’s in small checkers, or a herringbone fabric or in plain black, you will surely wear once every couple of days. Plus, if it also has a good price (I found something under 60 lei!), you won’t be able to resist.
The shirt with slightly longer arms and in stripes is one of the hottest items this spring, so you can’t miss it on sales. You can wear it conventionally or you can style it in more interesting and sexy ways- I for example am inspired by the idea of opening the front buttons and putting it on my shoulders.
Don’t forget about the ankle boots, they are the perfect solution to give an urban flair to an outfit which risks being too boring. You can try a shiny but elegant option or you can go for something completely crazy, like some lurex ankle boots!
And if you still have some of your budget left to spend, search for those items which are interesting and unconventional.
Dea/ 18.01.2017
Un articol foarte cool si foarte util venit la fix. Mulțumesc.
Dana/ 19.01.2017
Ma bucur ca îți place.
Ewa Macherowska/ 19.01.2017
Such a cool outfits!
Adnana/ 19.01.2017
Ideile sunt excelente! Iar selectiile tale minunate! Multumim!