Concurs: TeX Summer Collection
UPDATE! Juriul a deliberat, si-a facut si el treaba, asa ca avem lista completa a castigatoarelor acestui concurs:
UPDATE! Juriul a deliberat, si-a facut si el treaba, asa ca avem lista completa a castigatoarelor acestui concurs:
V-am pregatit cateva trucuri prin care puteți transforma balconul, terasa ori gradina în spațiul perfect pentru a petrece toate serile sau diminetile calduroase ce vor urma.
EN: I have prepared some tricks to transform your balcony, terrace or garden into the perfect space for spending the warm evenings or mornings that will follow.
In primul rand, va urez La Multi Ani de Florii. In al doilea rand, va anunt ca incepand de azi, trei fete detasabile cu flori va asteapta pe magazinul online si la Pop Up Store Moon din AFI Cotroceni.
EN: First of all, happy Palm Sunday! Second, I would like to announce that starting today, three detachable covers with flowers are available on the online shop and at the Pop Up Store Moon in AFI Cotroceni. Read More
Tocmai m-am intors acasa de la targul “100% romanesc” organizat de A List si sunt….franta! Mi-am adus aminte uitandu-ma la aceste poze de un interviu pe care l-am dat azi, la care am fost intrebata daca fac cumparaturi chibzuite, ori cumpar ce imi place fara sa ma pot abtine. Raspunsul meu a fost: “Rareori cumpar impulsiv. Sunt calculata cand merg la cumparaturi si de cele mai multe ori stiu de dinainte exact ce caut”. Doar ca in cazul acestui trenci de matase lucrurile au stat fix pe dos…
EN: I just returned home from the “100% Romanian” fair organized by A List and I am…beat! Looking at these pictures I remembered an interview I gave today, where I was asked if I do my shopping wisely, or if I buy what I like without being able to refrain. My answer was: “I rarely buy impulsively. I am calculated and usually I know straight ahead what I am looking for.” But in the case of this silk coat, things were the exact opposite of what I said…
Dupa o saptamana intreaga in care incerci sa coordonezi cat mai bine tinutele, in care jonglezi cu outfit-urile de birou si cele de iesit in oras, in weekend esti tentata sa porti un trening 2 zile? Si eu! Tocmai pentru ca e destul de greu sa te concentrezi cand de fapt ar trebui sa te relaxezi si sa te simti bine, m-am gandit ca trei propuneri de tinute ar prinde bine.
EN: After a whole week of trying to put together the best outfits you can, after joggling between office and evening wear, during the weekend do you feel tempted to wear sweat pants for 2 days? Me too! Since it’s really hard to focus when in fact you should be relaxing, I thought that 3 outfit proposals would be just what you need.
UPDATE! Avem o castigatoare!
Am discutat recent cu o prietena care s-a apucat mai serios de sport, dupa ani intregi de amanari, si mi-a zis sa transmit acest mesaj:
EN: Recently I was talking to a friend of mine, who started taking sports more seriously, after years of procrastinating, and she told me to give you this message: