Scenaristi de desene animate
Unul dintre cele mai frumoase concursuri la care am fost invitata vreodata pana acum ca jurat este acum in plina desfasurare. Vorbesc despre un concurs de scenarii de desene animate pentru copii cu varsta intre 9 si 14 ani, in urma caruia doi mari castigatori vor pleca intr-o excursie cu familia la Nickelodeon Land din Madrid si ale caror scenarii vor prinde viata in desene animate ce vor fi transmise pe Nickelodeon. O initiativa minunata, care pune le treaba creativitatea, imaginatia si talentul de povestitori al copiilor. Iata tot ce trebuie sa stiti despre acest concurs:
EN: One of the nicest contests I have been invited to as a judge is happening right now. I am talking about a contest for cartoons scripts, for children aged from 9 to 14, after which 2 winners will go on a trip to Nickelodeon Land in Madrid, with their family and whose scripts will come to life in cartoons aired by Nickelodeon. A wonderful initiative, which puts creativity, imagination and the storytelling gift of children to work. Here’s all you need to know about this contest: