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2 Povesti de succes

Azi vreau sa va vorbesc despre doua fetite care m-au lăsat masca prin inteligenta lor și talentul indiscutabil la scris. Pot spune ca a fost una dintre cele mai satisfăcătoare campanii desfășurate prin intermediul blogului meu, căci datorita ei am ajuns sa le cunosc pe Keren și Briana.


EN: Today I want to talk about two little girls who have amazed me with their intelligence and writing skills. I can say it was one of the most satisfying campaigns on my blog, because that’s how I got to meet Keren and Briana.

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Tata nu e om

Singura legatura dintre imagini si povestea pe care urmeaza sa v-o spun este ca ambele sunt foarte recente.

EN: The only link between the pictures and the story I am about to tell you is that they are both very recent.

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Ocrotita Recurenta

Ce? Nu ati auzit de Ocrotita Recurenta? Pai e o boala veche de cand lumea, mai precis de cand a aparut pe Pamanat primul Parinte grijuliu sa nu-i raceasca acel prim Copil. Deci exista in mod cert si pe vremea cand eu eram bebe. Asa se explica de ce, ca sa nu racesc, mama ma imbraca ca pe un astronaut. Pentru ca de Ocrotita Recurenta nu sufera copiii, ci parintii. Daca si tu esti mereu atenta la sanatatea copilului, inseamna ca esti deja virusata si ar fi cazul sa afli urgent remediul.


EN: What? You’ve never heard of Recurring Overprotectiveness? Well, it’s a “disease” as old as time, to be more precise ever since the first overprotective Parent showed up on the face of the earth, careful so his first Child doesn’t catch a cold. So it was surely a thing also back when I was a baby. That’s how I explain that, so that I wouldn’t catch a cold, my bother used to dress me like an astronaut. Because it’s not the kids who suffer from Recurring Overprotectiveness, but their parents. If you are also constantly concerned with the health of your child, it means you also have this “virus” and you should find out what the remedy is.

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Vlad m-a suprins ieri cu un cuvant nou, care a sunat atat de ciudat venind tocmai de la el…


EN: Vlad surprised me yesterday with a new word, which sound so strange especially coming from him…

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Noua camera a lui Vlad

Aceasta este camera lui Vlad, din noua noastra casuta. Sper doar sa ii placa si lui cum a iesit la fel de mult precum imi place mie! Ne-am dorit sa fie o camera de poveste, asa ca fiecare obiect ales are istorioara lui…


EN: This is Vlad’s room, from our new home. I hope he likes the way it turned out just as much as I do! We wanted it to be a storybook room, so each object chosen has its own little story…

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