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Imbracata ca o mama

Iata si ultima tinuta din seria dedicata lansarii modelului Moon Flowers, formata dintr-o rochie cu a carei lungime efectiv m-am dezobisnuit. Pai, ce, asa se imbraca o mama?!?


EN: Here’s the latest outfit dedicated to the launch of the Moon Flowers model, made up from a dress with a size I am not used to anymore. Is this what a mother dresses like?

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Intrevedere dupa o saptamana

Ne-am intors acasa din Sarajevo azi-noapte, asa ca azi de dimineata ne-a trezit din somn dorul de Vlad. O saptamana intreaga – cea mai lunga pauza de pana acum.


EN: Last night we returned from Sarajevo, so this morning we woke up missing Vlad. An entire week- the longest break so far.

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Festival Look

Stiu, a trecut ceva timp de la Electric Castle, dar poate ca tinuta aleasa de mine va va inspira pentru festivalurile ce va sa vie.


EN: I know, it’s been a while since Electric Castle, but maybe this outfit I chose will inspire you for the festivals up and coming.

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Primele poze de vacanta din Tenerife

Cand stii ca vacanta e ceva cu care te vei mai intalni abia la iarna, pozele pe care le-ai facut in cea mai recenta evadare iti aduc o bucurie de neimaginat. Stiu deja ca voi reveni la ace4asta postare de nenumarate ori de-a lungul anilor ce vor urma. Nu pot decat sa sper ca acest prim set sa va poarte pe nisipul negru din Tenerife.


EN: When you know vacation is something you’ll only come across again in winter, the pictures you took on your most recent getaway bring unimaginable joy. I already know I’ll come back to this post countless times along the coming years. I can only hope that this first set will take you to the black sands from Tenerife.

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Aveam 10 ani si multi bani pe mana

De curand am fost martora unui atelier de educatie financiara pentru copii, care m-a determinat sa fac un salt in timp, la varsta la care aveam 10 ani, eram pe litoral cu echipa Abracadabra si aveam multi bani pe mana cu care sa ma descurc, fara parintii mei alaturi.


EN: Recently I have attended a financial education workshop for kids, which made me go back in time, to when I was 10 years old, while touring with Abracadabra at the seaside and when I had lots of money at my disposal, to take care of myself, without my parents’ help.

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Cand ramanem singure

Am ramas singura in camera mea din Tenerife. Radu si Vlad au coborat la piscina. Aveam nevoie de un moment al meu, in care sa va scriu in liniste.


EN: I am alone in my room in Tenerife. Radu and Vlad are at the pool. I needed a moment just for myself, so I could write you in peace and quiet.

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7 propuneri pentru vacanta

Pentru ca deja stiti ca Vlad este in vacanta, mi-am luat niste timp si am incercat sa pun cap la cap un program cat mai interesant si variat pentru el, asa cum va povesteam ca am in plan intr-o postare trecuta. Am mers pe la muzee – partial pentru ca e distractiv pentru el, insa, recunosc, partial pentru ca era o activitate ideala pentru o zi caniculara, cand nu era o idee buna sa stai afara. Dar azi va recomand si altfel de locuri interesante de vizitat cu copilul, plus cateva jocuri care i-au facut deja Perfectului meu vacanta mai interesanta.


EN: You already know Vlad is on vacation, so I took some time to put together an interesting and diverse schedule for him, like I already told you I intend to in a previous post. We went to museums- because it’s fun for him, but also because it’s an ideal activity on a hot day, when being outside isn’t a good idea. But today I recommend some different places to visit with your child, plus a few games which already made my Perfect One’s vacation more interesting.

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