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Under Construction

Trec printr-o perioada in care am foarte multe proiecte “in lucru”: un nou spectacol de teatru, planuri legate de Moon, lungmetrajul inca nelansat, o renovare de casa, o reamenajare a dressingului si altor spatii din casa… Cand am o zi mai proasta, toate imi par imposibil de finalizat asa cum imi doresc. Parca nimic nu se leaga. Apoi – ceva se intampla miraculos – si imi recapat iar speranta si, odata cu ea, si forta sa imi pun gandurile, planurile in practica. Dar azi e una din zilele acelea proaste.


EN: I’m going through a phase where I have a lot of projects “in progress”: a new theatre play, plans with Moon, the still unlaunched motion picture, a house renovation, a dressing rearrangement and that of other spaces in the house… When I’m having a bad day, they all seem impossibly to finalize. It’s like nothing comes together. Then- something miraculously happens- and I get my hope back up again and, together with it, the strength to put my thoughts and plans into practice. But today is one of those bad days. 

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Moment istoric: copilul meu se uita la Abracadabra.


EN: A historical moment: my child is watching Abracadabra.

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Intoarcerea acasa

Ne-am intors sambata in tara, cand pilotul ne anunta ca la sol ne asteapta -10 grade. Diferenta de doar 45 de grade intre Sri Lanka si Romania nu m-a speriat prea tare, desi am iesit din aeroport incaltata in sandale (cu ciorapii lui Radu cu tot). Ba chiar m-am bucurat ca e zapada si ca ne mai putem inca bucura de ea.


EN: We got back home Saturday, when the pilot announced that we were expected with a temperature of -10 degrees . I wasn’t that scared of the 45 degrees difference between Sri Lanka and Romania, even though I stepped out of the airport wearing sandals (including Radu’s socks). I was actually happy about the snow and about the fact that we get to enjoy it for a while.

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Chef de …. petrecerile Craciunului!

Rubrica sezoniera in care caut niste tinute care sa se poata integra intr-un buget super-bun a revenit! Pastrand traditia in care caut haine cu chef de viata, am ajuns in Carrefour unde am realizat ca brandul TEX nu dezamageste nici acum. Iata doua tinute care pot fi purtate la petrecerile de final de an.


EN: I’m back with some suggestions for outfits which can be integrated in a really good budget! In tune with the tradition of looking for clothes in the mood for life, I got to Carrefour where I realized that TEX never disappoints. Here are two outfits which can be worn to the end of the year parties.

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Dezlegare la dulciuri

Nu stiu care sunt regulile la voi acasa, dar la noi s-a dat dezlegare la dulciuri. Daca eu nu ma pot abtine, atunci cum sa pretind asta de la copil? Asadar, ca sa fie “sarbatori linistite” regula de “un dulce pe zi” se amana pentru 2019.


EN: I don’t know what the rules are at your house when it comes to treats, but back at our place we are officially allowed to have as many as we want. If can’t help myself, then how can I ask the child not to do the same? So, in order to have “peaceful holidays”, the “one treat a day” rule is postponed until 2019.

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Hai la brunch!

Mai e un pic si se incheie anul, asa ca e ultima sansa sa ne mai intalnim si noi ca fetele in Moon Studio, si sa ne facem planuri pentru 2019. Hai la brunch! E si cu ciocolata calda, dar mai putina, caci am 2 invitate speciale: un medic nutriotionist si un medic dermatolog. Va zic eu ca ne va sta ciocolata in gat cand le vom asculta sfaturile…


EN: This year is close to coming to an end, so it’s our last opportunity for a girls gettogether at Moon Studio, to make plans for 2019. Come on over for brunch! We have hot chocolate, but not lots of it, because I have 2 special guests: a Nutritionist and a Dermatologist. We might choke on the chocolate after listening to their advice…

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Ritmul vietii

Cel mai greu in viata asta mi se pare sa iti gasesti ritmul in care sa o traiesti. Oare cand e cazul sa tragi tare? Acum, cat esti inca tanar? Ca si cum ai putea amana pentru batranete placerile si “pierderile de vreme” ale tineretii.


EN: I think the hardest thing in life is finding the rhythm to live it in. When should you push hard? Now, while you’re still young? Like you could postpone the pleasures and “time wastes” of youth to the old age.

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