Under Construction
Trec printr-o perioada in care am foarte multe proiecte “in lucru”: un nou spectacol de teatru, planuri legate de Moon, lungmetrajul inca nelansat, o renovare de casa, o reamenajare a dressingului si altor spatii din casa… Cand am o zi mai proasta, toate imi par imposibil de finalizat asa cum imi doresc. Parca nimic nu se leaga. Apoi – ceva se intampla miraculos – si imi recapat iar speranta si, odata cu ea, si forta sa imi pun gandurile, planurile in practica. Dar azi e una din zilele acelea proaste.
EN: I’m going through a phase where I have a lot of projects “in progress”: a new theatre play, plans with Moon, the still unlaunched motion picture, a house renovation, a dressing rearrangement and that of other spaces in the house… When I’m having a bad day, they all seem impossibly to finalize. It’s like nothing comes together. Then- something miraculously happens- and I get my hope back up again and, together with it, the strength to put my thoughts and plans into practice. But today is one of those bad days.