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La Gazeta

Va scriu din Sarajevo in acest moment, având o mica pauza in program. Cică s-a anuntat la gazeta cine e câștigătoarea concursului Moon Flowers & Newspaper. Așadar, câștigătoarea este….


EN: Right now I am writing to you from Sarajevo, while on a short break in our schedule. Apparently it’s all over the news that the winner of the Moon Flowers& Newspaper contest has been chosen. So, the winner is…

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E goala casa

Am avut o noapte si o dimineata tare ciudate. Asta ca sa nu zic “tristute”.


EN: I have had a very weird night and a morning. And by that I actually mean “pretty sad”.

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Flowers on the Moon

Weekend-ul acesta, Rulota Moon va asteapta la Summer Well! Yuhuuu! Abia astept!


EN: This weekend, the Moon Trailer is expecting you at Summer Well! Yuhuuu! I can hardly wait!

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NEW MOON: Flowers & Newspaper

Azi va prezint doua genti cu fete detasabile noi: Moon Flowers si Moon Newspaper. Spre deosebire de modelul clasic, acestea includ un lant detasabil cu maner de piele, astfel incat sa poata fi purtate cat mai mult timp si in cat mai multe combinatii. LE ADOR!


EN: Today I am presenting to you two new clutches with detachable covers: Moon Flowers and Moon Newspaper. As opposed to the classic model, these include a detachable chain with leather handle, so it can be worn for as long and in as many combinations as possible. I LOVE THEM!

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Festival Look

Stiu, a trecut ceva timp de la Electric Castle, dar poate ca tinuta aleasa de mine va va inspira pentru festivalurile ce va sa vie.


EN: I know, it’s been a while since Electric Castle, but maybe this outfit I chose will inspire you for the festivals up and coming.

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Aveam 10 ani si multi bani pe mana

De curand am fost martora unui atelier de educatie financiara pentru copii, care m-a determinat sa fac un salt in timp, la varsta la care aveam 10 ani, eram pe litoral cu echipa Abracadabra si aveam multi bani pe mana cu care sa ma descurc, fara parintii mei alaturi.


EN: Recently I have attended a financial education workshop for kids, which made me go back in time, to when I was 10 years old, while touring with Abracadabra at the seaside and when I had lots of money at my disposal, to take care of myself, without my parents’ help.

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Un magneziu?

Mi-a venit greu sa scriu acest articol, din doua motive: 1. sa nu para “doar o reclama” si 2. pentru ca vorbeste despre limitele mele. Si na, e greu sa le strigi in gura mare si sa lasi tot Facebook-ul sa isi dea cu parerea.


EN: It was hard for me to write this article, for 2 reasons: 1. I didn’t want it to seem like just a commercial and 2. Because it speaks about my limitations. And you know, it is hard to talk about them openly and to let all Facebook chip in with an opinion.

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